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David Duchovny's Method Psycho Actor in The Sympathizer, Explained

David Duchovny's Method Psycho Actor in The Sympathizer, Explained


The following story contains spoilers for Episode 4 of The sympathizer.

HBO THE SYMPATHIZER, based on The novel of the same name by Viet Thanh Nguyen, is a spy show. But it's also unlike any spy show you've ever seen, because it's willing to air entire episodes with…absolutely no spying or snooping.

Case in point: the fourth episode of the series, “Give Us Some Good Lines.” After the last episode found the Captain plunged deeper into the world of his CIA contact, Claude (Robert Downey Jr.), he was given a new mission to help star director Nicos Damianos (Downey Jr. again) to make his new film on the Vietnam War, The hamlet, serving as his cultural consultant. Most of the episode is spent filming this movie as it goes into production in California's wine country, but it doesn't take long to realize that things are heading toward chaos. Is this a misappropriation of The sympathizerThe main story of ? Yes. However, is it fun and entertaining? Yes of course.

Grove Press The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (The Sympathizer, 1)

The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (The Sympathizer, 1)

Grove Press The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (The Sympathizer, 1)

Damianos, loosely based on Francis Ford Coppola, is a cocky auteur filmmaker who has such a huge ego that it's hard to see anything happening wonderfully while the film is in production. But things get even crazier when you meet the actors he cast. One of them, James Yoon (John Cho, in a charming guest appearance) is a rare Asian-American mainstay in the film industry, known for appearing in token roles in major films and for dying almost always shortly afterwards; The captain was delighted to meet him even before his arrival. There's also Jamie Johnson (Max Whittington-Cooper), a popular singer turned actor in his very first film.

But nothing compares to Ryan Glenn either, played by the great David Duchovny. Glenn is, to put it simply, an absolute maniac; he is presented as someone who never comes out of character for as long as the film is in production. His character, the main character of Damianos' film, is a paranoid man named Captain Shamus, and when we meet him he's already clearly losing his mind. And things don't get any easier as the episode continues.

Throughout the episode, some people like Yoon, for example, and Bon (Fred Nguyen Khan), the captain's friend, when he shows up and becomes an extra while having fun. But Ryan is simply out of control, at one point berating his costars and the crew for not being as committed as he is, and eventually absenting himself from the set, forcing production to shut down and returning with a stag death draped over his shoulders.

He's clearly a complete lunatic and Duchovny is having a blast. Over his decades in the industry, it can be said that the former California direct and Twin Peaks guest star has met at least a handful of Ryan Glenn method actors, and in The sympathizer he expertly mocks how much of a nuisance they can ultimately be.

David Duchovny plays Ryan Glenn in The sympathizer

Arrivals of the 76th Directors Guild of America Awards

Rodin Eckenroth//Getty Images

Although he remains most famous for playing Fox Mulder, the 90s icon and conspiracy leader The X-Files, Duchovny always had a good sense of humor about the industry that made him a star. In recent years, this has meant playing a number of self-deprecating acting roles: this includes a hilarious version of himself in the Netflix film. The chair, and also another actor seeking past glory during a pandemic in Judd Apatow's film. The bubble.

In The sympathizer, Duchovny embodies a different type of pain in the ass actor: a method actor. If Robert Downey Jr.'s Nicos Damianos is supposed to replace Francis Ford Coppola, and The hamlet is intended to be Apocalypse now, then we can take the leap and say that Duchovny's Ryan Glenn is based on a combination of Marlon Brando in Apocalypse now and Robert De Niro in The deer hunter. Both actors embraced the “method” nature that never goes out of character, and both films centered around the Vietnam War and have since become legendary.




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