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Susan Buckner dies: 'Grease' actor was 72

Susan Buckner dies: 'Grease' actor was 72


Susan Buckner, an American actress best known for her role as Patty Simcox in the 1978 musical “Grease,” died on May 2. She was 72 years old. His death was confirmed by his publicist.

At the age of 25, Buckner starred as the Rydell High cheerleader, joining a cast that included John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John. As Simcox, Buckner played a school spirit soldier, with an iconic cheer ingrained in fans' minds: “Do the splits, shout!” Show some cheer for old Rydell! Well done, red and white! Come on Rydell, fight, fight, fight!

Buckner continued to work as an actor with guest credits on several television shows, including “The Love Boat,” “BJ and the Bear” and “The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries.” She starred in the ABC series “When the Whistle Blows.” Among other notable feature films, Buckner appeared in Wes Craven's 1981 horror film “Deadly Blessing” alongside Sharon Stone, as well as the 1989 comedy sequel “Police Academy 6: City Under Siege.”

Buckner spent the latter part of his life teaching, directing several children's theater productions at Pinecrest Elementary School and leading dance classes at the Body and Soul Gym in Coral Gables, Florida.

Born January 28, 1952, in Seattle, Washington, Buckner was a decorated beauty queen, crowned Miss Washington in 1971 and represented the state in the Miss America pageant the following year. She later became a member of Dean Martin's Golddiggers and later joined the all-female group Fantasy and founded her own musical duo, Buckner and Pratt. Buckner has also appeared as a dancer on shows like “The Mac Davis Show,” “Sonny and Cher” and the “Telly Savalas Live Touring Show,” as well as as a synchronized swimmer on “The Brady Bunch Variety Hour.” .

Buckner is survived by his two children, son Adam Josephs and daughter Samantha Mansfield; his four grandchildren; his sister, Linda; his daughter-in-law and son-in-law; and his longtime partner, Al.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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