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Alia Bhatt better dressed than Zendaya at the 2024 Met Gala? Internet is raving about Bollywood star's stunning saree look | Bollywood

Alia Bhatt better dressed than Zendaya at the 2024 Met Gala?  Internet is raving about Bollywood star's stunning saree look |  Bollywood


Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt had a desi girl moment on the Met Gala 2024 red carpet in a timeless mint green Sabyasachi sari adorned with a dramatic long trail. She not only turned heads in front of the iconic stairs of the Metropolitan Museum Of Art in New York, but also sent her fans into a daze. (Also Read: Met Gala 2024: Alia Bhatt embraces Indian heritage in an exquisite Sabyasachi sari with a massive train)

This was actor Alia Bhatt's second appearance at the Met Gala.
This was actor Alia Bhatt's second appearance at the Met Gala.

Several photos and videos of the actor during this global event, often described as the biggest evening in fashion, have circulated widely on social networks. While Alias' family showed their support and enthusiasm for her appearance through their social media posts, her fans also expressed their admiration for her stunning red carpet look.

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Alia impresses Internet users

In keeping with this year's Met Gala theme, Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion, Alia's outfit was meticulously chosen to resonate with the theme. The finely crafted saree featured delicate embroidery and precious stones, creating a mesmerizing ensemble that caught everyone's attention.

One fan wrote: Alia ate it, while another posted: Alia is the winner for me. One person praised her for choosing the right theme, writing, Alia is so on theme. “An X user commented, Alia Bhatt looked like a GODDESS at the Met this year! ” with one gush, you ate and left no crumbs. DEVOURED.

Her unique and ethereal look was widely acclaimed across social media platforms, with fans praising her for effortlessly blending traditional Indian attire with the edgy theme of the prestigious event.

This is THE most beautiful saree I have ever seen, I read a comment, one of them mentioning: She looks like an Indian version of Bridgerton.

There was a fan who said that her daughter Raha would be proud of her mother's look. Yes. Just yes. Raha will be proud when she is older! Come on mom, just beautiful, read the comment. One user shared: This time, Alia's dress matches the Met Gala carpet instead of Blake Lively's.

Alia gets a boost from friends and family

Alia shared her look on Instagram, captioning it: A trip to the Garden of Time, a tribute to art and eternity. Timelessness knows no bounds and we recognize that items made with patience and care can last forever. As we explored an Indian interpretation of this universal theme, the outfit seemed to take on a life of its own.” (Read: Reddit Thinks Alia Bhatt's Met Gala 2024 Look Is Inspired by Deepika Padukone's Sabyasachi Sari from 2017)

The pseudonymous sister, Shaheen Bhatt, took to the comments section, writing, “My fairy. » The mother of the pseudonym, Soni Razdan, also paid tribute to her and the designer Sabyasachi.

@sabyasachiofficial, you are an absolute genius. I don't know how you created this piece of art in the time you had. It's simply breathtaking, but even that is an understatement. Truly a masterpiece and has transformed @aliaabhatt into a timeless princess, she wrote in the comments on Alias' post.

Filmmakers Zoya Akhtar, Bipasha Basu and Janhvi Kapoor also supported her look by sending heart and fire emojis in the comments section of her post.

Learn more about the Alias ​​look

Designed by Anaita Shroff Adjania, the Sabyasachi sari features a 23-foot-long embroidered train and took approximately 1,965 hours to make, according to Vogue. It is hand embroidered with silk thread, glass beads and precious stones. Additionally, the delicate hand-embroidered floral design in pink and green tones, beaded tassels on the borders and a ruffled pleat on the front added to the dreamlike charm of the ensemble.

Alia wore the saree with a strapless blouse that featured a plunging sweetheart neckline, ruffled sleeves, intricate embroidery and gemstone embellishments, and a tulle bow at the back. When it came to accessories, she opted for Sabyasachi jewelry including a mangtika, an embellished headband on her hairstyle, hair balls, statement earrings, rings and high heels.

This was her second appearance at the Met Gala. She made her debut in 2023. She wore an ensemble made by Prabal Gurung for her first fashion gala outing.




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