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Singer Selena Gomez has plenty of opportunities ahead


Shaylen Stancil, contributing writer

Throughout the global pandemic, singer and actress Selena Gomez continued to stay busy for several months in quarantine. Her new projects are not linked to singing or acting, which allows her to branch out into new territories and expand her brand.

On September 3, Selena released her own makeup line with Sephora called Rare Beauty. According to the rare beauty website, Gomez said that Rare Beauty is about breaking unrealistic standards of perfection… it can be more than a mark of beauty.

Gomez hopes that with his products, people will feel less alone in their struggles with self-esteem issues and other personal insecurities. On the brand’s website, she promotes ideas of self-acceptance and that being rare just means being yourself.

Products in the Rare Beauty line include concealers, highlighters, brushes, powders, lip products and 48 shades of foundation.

With her makeup line, she launched the Rare impact fund in an effort to raise $ 100 million to provide and fund mental health services and resources in needy communities.

In one interview with Refinery 29, said Gomez, I want people to feel like they have a community to turn to and resources that are useful to them.

Gomez has been open about her mental health issues and now she wants to help those in difficulty and remind them that they are never alone in their battles.

Gomez also made the most of his time in quarantine by launching a cooking show, Selena + Chef, which was caught on video chat. In the series, Gomez learns to cook from various professional chefs, including Tanya Holland and Angelo Sosa.

Each guest on the show also had the opportunity to speak about a food-related charity of their choice, and then donated $ 10,000 to that charity.

Season 1 of Selena + Chef is available to stream on HBO Max with a subscription. The first episode is free for everyone.

In August, Gomez announced that she was the executive producer of the new movie This Is The Year. On August 28, there was a virtual premiere hosted by the stars of TikTok Charli and Dixie DAmelio.

Longtime fans also experienced a blast from the past when she revealed that former Wizards of Waverly Place co-star David Henrie was the film’s director. According to IMDb, in a last ditch effort to convince the girl of her dreams, a nerdy high school student and his best friends embark on a road trip to see their favorite band at the biggest music festival of the year.

Currently, the film is not available to stream online and it is not certain that it will be released to the public again in the near future.

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