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What the Hell Happened: The True Winner of ‘Dancing With The Stars’ Is Netflix | Arts


Dancing With the Stars belongs to that special class of reality TV whose sole mission is to build the fame and fortune of existing celebrities rather than shaping them from scratch. DWTS can count Bindi Irwin, Rumer Willis, teen idol Donny Osmond and Drew Lachey, Nick Lachey’s younger brother, among its many esteemed winners as well as a possibly unfair number of former professional athletes. Since 2005, the show’s charm has been the eclectic mix of B-list celebrities who happily waltz their way across the lacquered floor of the ABC ballroom, which reignites their careers.

I’ve never actively watched Dancing With the Stars, but I’m reluctant to premiere Season 29 after a peek at the shows lineup revealed a row of venerable murderers from the biggest names in the world. television from previous years. Chrishell Stause to sell Sunset? Monica Aldama from Cheer? Carole Baskin from this low-budget independent documentary about backyard cats?

Throw Justina Machado from the wonderful One Day at a Time, which Pop TV relaunched in 2019 (only for its new season airing on CBS, oddly enough), and an interesting picture merges. Dancing With the Stars, one of ABC’s iconic prime-time properties, has assembled a vast bench of Netflix stars. And these women are all quarterbacks of their respective star properties, not tight ends (kudos to their DWTS co-star Vernon Davis, who is, in fact, a tight former NFL end). Watch Monica Aldama Confidently Dances Samba To Party In America, for example, and one can’t help but remember her impressive performance as herself, America’s foremost college cheerleading coach in Cheer. Prior to her elimination from the show last week, Carole Baskin managed to dance to Eye of the Tiger, Whats New Pussycat, and Circle of Life, reifying Tiger King in our collective imaginations just in the twilight of its relevance to the era. COVID. And even though the third season of Selling Sunset has just been released, Chrishell Stauses, mediocre, endearing dance skills make me want to watch it. run away christine quinns goth wedding barbie once again. My only major thought while watching the DWTS premiere was that I should turn off ABC and reload Netflix.

It’s somewhat baffling to watch streaming stars flock to network TV and not the other way around, as if our choked but well-defined TV matrix is ​​finally shorted. Moving in front of the DWTS jury without the shine of a Netflix production budget, they look, surprisingly, like real people. Any consistent meaning of observing events has eroded over the past decade; momentary mastery of the economics of advanced stage entertainment production proved elusive even to the new keeper. DWTS, in all its sweaty, airless glory, might once have considered itself an event viewing, and can now be a harbinger of things to come. What awaits us perhaps, in a vaguely apocalyptic world, are these kinds of reverse engineering attempts to restore the unity of the cultural landscape.

But the balance remains tilted. The Netflix empire, having removed millions of eyeballs from network television, is now physically invading its territory. This is part of what makes it so puzzling, if not uncomfortable, to watch Netflix stars sashay on ABC. It sounds like an admission of defeat. This collaboration may seem consensual, but make no mistake: Netflix won.

Well, almost looking for 22 seasons of new host Tyra Banks, former Americas Next Top Model gig? Those, luckily, are on Hulu.

Editor Amelia F. Roth-Dishy can be contacted at [email protected].

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