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9 most comfortable dress shoes for women in 2023

9 most comfortable dress shoes for women in 2023


We often hear the saying “beauty is pain”, especially when it comes to shoes. Whether it’s a six-inch stiletto heel or a too-tight ankle strap, women often sacrifice comfort in the name of style. But trust us: fashion and comfort can go hand in hand, even when shopping for dress shoes.

With April being National Foot Health Awareness Month, there’s no better time to start giving your feet the love they deserve. But what should you look for in a pair of comfortable dress shoes? Shop TODAY Dr. Meghan Kellyassistant professor of foot and ankle surgery at Mount Sinai, for expert advice.

Plus, we’re sharing 9 surprisingly stylish options for shopping, including flats, loafers, and yes! even the heels.

Are there comfortable dress shoes?

The short answer is yes, there are comfortable dress shoes for women, but what is comfortable for one person may not be for another.

“Feet have very different flavors,” says Kelly. “There are a lot of different shapes for people’s feet, and then everyone has underlying pathologies or underlying issues with their feet that can influence which shoes will be more comfortable for them than others.”

When choosing a dress shoe, it’s important to keep any specific conditions in mind, such as plantar fasciitis or bunions, as well as your arch type. Still, there are a few key features Kelly recommends looking for when shopping for your next pair of dress shoes.

If you have flat feet, “you definitely want something with a little arch support,” Kelly says. If you have a history of ankle sprain or instability, “having straps around the ankle or having some sort of adjustment around the ankle is also very helpful.”

Although flats may seem more comfortable than heels, you don’t have to avoid them altogether. In fact, Kelly says they actually have some advantages. “Wearing a small heel, even if it’s only about an inch tall, can just relieve that pressure on the Achilles so you can feel a little more comfortable when you’re on your feet,” she says. When choosing a type of heel, Kelly recommends looking for thicker heels or wedges, which provide more support.

Beyond looking for comfort-promoting features, Kelly adds that making sure your shoes fit properly is key. She recommends measuring your feet because feet tend to change subtly with factors like age, time, and pregnancy.

If you’re looking for ways to make your shoes even more comfortable, especially if you’re on your feet all day, Dr. Kelly advises wearing compression socks or adding orthotics (especially if you have flat feet) to help. to alleviate potential swelling and pressure.

Ready to upgrade your dress shoe collection? Your feet will thank you! Easy Spirit is a shoe brand that emphasizes comfort and fit in many of their shoe styles, and they have so many cute dress shoes designed with features to protect your feet. Below we’ve rounded up some of the best comfortable dress shoes for women to buy from Easy Spirit right now.

Comfortable dress shoes for women

Connie loafers

A low-heeled loafer is a must-have for office attire, so you’ll need ones that provide support and ease for all-day wear. The Connie loafer features arch support and is orthotic compatible, according to the brand. The suede construction, which is available in various shades of black and navy, adds an extra touch of luxury. Moreover, they are on sale.

Cosma Pumps

Pumps are often one of the first shoe styles that come to mind when thinking of women’s dress shoes, but Kelly recommends a thicker heel over a stiletto. “If I know I’m going to be on my feet a lot, I tend to gain a bit more towards the big heel,” she says. The Cosma pump features a chunky heel and padded footbed so you can stay on your feet every day. Plus, it comes in more than 12 different colors and textures.

Glenni Block Heel Sandals

With summer approaching, sandal season has finally arrived. This strappy pair features arch support and a cushioned footbed for ultimate comfort during summer brunches and day trips to your favorite destinations. The sleek little heel and unique ankle strap also give them an elevated feel.

Gracey wedge heels

If you’re looking for a little extra height but are still wary of heels, Kelly recommends looking for shoes with internal platforms “where the whole shoe is lifted. Even if the heel of the shoe is three, four inches, the front of the shoe is raised off the ground an inch or two itself, so the actual heel isn’t as dramatic.

The slightly wedged platform of these Gracey heels can help provide that extra bit of support, and the padded, removable insole allows for a more customizable fit.

Meza espadrille wedge sandals

Wedge espadrilles are a hot-weather essential, but we won’t blame you if the higher heel is a bit more intimidating. “I think wedges, from a shoe design standpoint, are probably the best biomechanically for your feet. Simply because they provide that support all the way through your foot,” says Kelly.

This pair of Easy Spirit also offers arch support, according to the brand. And with colors like classic black, hot pink or a fun multi-floral, you can pair them with all your summer outfits.

Recruit slingback pumps

One reviewer loves that these pumps are “very comfortable, practical and professional for work when paired with the right dress, slacks or skirt”, and are just as perfect to pair with your evening wear for a romantic evening.

Avienta Casual Loafers

As a wardrobe staple, it’s important to make sure your go-to loafers are not only stylish, but comfortable for long days on the go. This pair slips on easily and is designed with extra traction and flexibility in mind, according to the brand. The padded rear heel counter can also help ease rearfoot discomfort.

Ballerinas Baily

Ballet flats are not only trendy this season, but those from Easy Spirit also offer extra padding in the insole. According to the brand, their eFlex technology helps keep these shoes stretchy, comfortable, and allows them to move with your feet.

Cassius slingback pumps

Not only does the chic round silhouette and cute kitten heel make it a wardrobe staple, but it also has arch support and flexible outsoles, according to the brand. They’re easy to dress up for work or pair with jeans, a tee and your favorite blazer for an everyday on-trend fit.

Meet our expert

Dr. Meghan Kelly, MD, PhD is assistant professor of foot and ankle surgery at Mount Sinai in New York. With a background in clinical and scientific research, she has worked on numerous publications concerning orthopedic literature. Additionally, she is involved with the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society and a member of the Ruth Jackson Orthopedic Society.




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