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Beyond the hardwood: UCF men's basketball is redefining fashion off the court | Sports

Beyond the hardwood: UCF men's basketball is redefining fashion off the court |  Sports


Beyond the hardwood: UCF men's basketball is redefining fashion on and off the court

Freshman Nils Machowski heads to the locker room at Addition Financial Arena before a game in an outfit he styled himself.

UCF men's basketball is known for its talent on the court, but in recent times, it has also become a trendsetter in the fashion world beyond the hardwood.

The team's off-field attire resembles that of the runway models, they show confidence and style when they enter the locker room. Their pre-match fashion choices showcase each of their distinct personalities.

“Most of the players wear what represents them and now we're giving them the chance to show that on the page of men's basketball, they're being themselves and we're just here to capture that,” said Kennedy Collins, assistant content director for men's basketball.

The men's basketball team recently began a collaboration with Trophy Room in Orlando, which is owned and operated by UCF alumnus Marcus Jordan. Trophy Room allows players to have their team's hair done and wear clothing that represents them for their pre-game photos.

Collins said some of the pregame photos were staged while others were not.

Jaylen Sellers, when he walks in the door, you have to be ready to take his picture because he literally walks in, Collins said. But most of the time we tell them about two hours before the alert, they all arrive, sometimes they literally come in and others are a little more calm.

Second year guard Tyler Hendricks and first year guard Nils Machowski have attracted attention on the men's basketball social media page with their pre-game attire this season.

Hendricks' outfits drew particular attention for their striking resemblance to those worn by Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, a player for the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Gilgeous-Alexander is best known for his high-end streetwear fashion sense that has garnered enormous public attention in the NBA world.

Hendricks said, “I watched Shai Gilgeous-Alexander and I modeled my tantrums off of his and I took things that I like from his tantrums and added them to mine and it's there that I got them,” Hendricks said.

Mixing loose and patterned pieces, Hendrick's style has become a reflection of his on-court gameplay; bold and very developed.

“I usually start with the pants, it depends on the color of the pants, and from there I find shoes and a shirt, then after that I decide if I want to go for a hat or just accessories,” a Hendricks said.

Machowski, originally from Germany, tends to gravitate toward clothing with a lighter aesthetic. He mentioned that his preference for wearing lighter colored pieces was to bring a bit of European style to Orlando.

I'm from Europe and I like to express myself through my clothes and kind of have that European style here, Machowski said.

European fashion tends to be casual yet refined, characterized by clean lines and high-quality materials. Machowski explained that many of his pre-match outfits this season come from Zara, a renowned European clothing brand.

I usually start with the top, like a sweater or t-shirt or something, and then I try to match my shoes or pants with that,” Machowski said. “It depends on how crazy the fit is and maybe also with glasses.

Although Hendricks and Machowski have very different styles, they both shared that they enjoy shopping at Zara.

Yes, my favorite place to go is Zara, most of the clothes I wear this season are from Zara, Machowski added.

Each player personally selects and styles their outfits, incorporating their unique interpretations of current trends.

When I usually put on my cuts, I try to choose these two chains, like one is my cross chain and the other is a chain that my older brother bought and made for me because he is a jeweler, said Hendricks.

On the court, they are essential parts of the team, but their individuality shines through their fashion choices, showcasing their personality beyond their basketball skills.




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