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New 2024 Audi S3 with more power and driver focus revealed

New 2024 Audi S3 with more power and driver focus revealed


Following the refreshed Audi A3 is the new S3, which arrives with some impressive performance hardware. As a major rival to luxury hot hatchbacks such as the Mercedes-AMG A 35, Volkswagen Golf R and BMW M135i, the current S3 has had a reputation for being a little soft, but this update may well correct that. .


Starting under the bonnet, the S3s turbocharged 2.0-litre four-cylinder engine has been upgraded by 23bhp, producing a new total of 328bhp. This is supported by his 20Nm more torque than the previous 420Nm, allowing the new S3 to accelerate to 102mph in 4.7 seconds, 0.1 seconds faster. But in addition to the improvements on paper, Audi is also making noise about the engine's aggressive attitude.

This starts with engine mapping, allowing the turbocharger to be kept spinning longer to aid in-gear response. Also added is a new Dynamic Plus mode that runs the car at a higher idle speed, and a turbocharger preload system that keeps the throttle valve open on overrun. As a result, boost pressure is held longer and the reaction time of the turbocharger is reduced. Audi will also offer an optional Akrapovi exhaust system on overseas models, but UK availability has not yet been confirmed.

The 7-speed dual-clutch transmission now features more aggressive mapping, recalibrated launch modes, and 50% faster actual shift speeds. But the biggest drivetrain upgrade is the integration of a torque-vectoring rear differential, or in Audi/VW terms, a torque splitter.

The system works much like the Audi RS 3 and VW Golf R, as it can distribute up to 100 percent of the available torque to either rear wheel. Being part of his Haldex-style AWD system, this will not exceed his 50 percent of total engine power, but in the aforementioned Dynamic Plus mode he will give the S3 an even more dynamic and balanced feel. Enough to give you a ring.


Unlike what's used in the Golf R and RS 3, this system is set up to help the nose enter the corner rather than aggressively overspeeding the rear wheels, giving the RS 3 style Don't expect a drift mode. However, Audi has introduced a new ESC Sport mode to take full advantage of the S3's new throttle adjustability.

The Audi S3 chassis has also undergone fairly significant changes, starting with the front axle. New suspension geometry has been introduced with stiffer wishbone bearings and increased negative camber. Audi says this improves front-end grip and steering precision, further aided by a new set of 19-inch Pirelli tires that are optional on UK models, while 18-inch wheels and tires are now standard.

The brakes are slightly larger at 357mm on the front axle and are gripped by larger twin-piston calipers. Passive dampers are standard, but a set of adaptive dampers is also offered.

In addition to these mechanical changes, the new S3 features the same styling and technology updates as the rest of the Audi A3 range. This includes new front and rear bumpers and lighting. The new Matrix LED headlights feature the same customizable lighting signature, including the brushed aluminum of typical Audi S models and a black package that replaces bright elements around the grille and windows with dark alternatives. Comes with optical package.

Inside the car, Audi has focused on improving the quality of materials wherever possible, including adding new soft-touch Dyanmica elements to the door cards and dashboard to reduce the amount of hard plastic on display. . The infotainment system remains largely unchanged, but Audi's latest software update has been introduced, and the doors now have more comprehensive ambient lighting options with new elements.

UK prices and specifications for the Audi S3 saloon and hatchback models are yet to be confirmed, but we expect the same three-stage range to remain priced slightly above the current car's entry price of around ¥45,000. Ah, fans of the Audi RS 3 need not stress about his future five-cylinder flagship, which will arrive in a few months.

Click here for a list of the best hot hatchbacks…

A senior staff writer at Auto Express, Jordan spent six years at evo magazine, specializing in performance vehicle news and reviews for the automotive market.




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