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What Men Should Wear Now, Inspired by Celebrities

What Men Should Wear Now, Inspired by Celebrities


Hollywood's leading men are no longer content to be basic on the red carpet. Instead, they're having fun with fashion and becoming style influencers in their own right.

Stars like Jacob Elordi, Travis Kelce and Pedro Pascal, the Internet's Boyfriends, if you will, embrace trends in a big way, bringing their own unique personality to their looks, on and off the red carpet. Celebrity stylist Ilaria Urbinati, who dresses some of Hollywood's hottest guys, previously told PEOPLE that many of her clients are “ready to play” when it comes to fashion.

“The goal is to have their look constantly evolve while still remaining true to who they are,” she said in an exclusive interview in April 2023.

“A lot of these guys are ready to play,” Urbinati continues. “They want to be bold.”

She adds: “I like to push my clients a little out of their comfort zone, but I think it's important for them to feel like the best version of themselves. This will be different for each of them .”

From unexpected pops of color to viral TikTok trends, take a look at the best style tips you can glean from Hollywood's biggest heartthrobs, with tips on how to wear them from the pros, including celebrity stylists Molly Dickson, Zelina Akers and Enrique Melendez (all part of the Marshalls Style Collective)

Colorful cardigans are cool

Weiss Eubanks/NBCUniversal via Getty

Cardigans are a classic for a reason, but Jacob Elordi proves they don't have to be boring. THE Euphoria the actor once again charmed fans during his appearance in The Kelly Clarkson parade in a butter yellow Prada cardigan in November 2023.

Worn with a white shirt and casual jeans, the look is not only light and androgynous (Elordi's specialty), but embraces one of the season's biggest color trends. The light yellow hue is appearing everywhere, from nails to knitwear, and will definitely continue as spring gives way to summer.

Knit polo shirts too

The Drew Barrymore Show

The knit polo shirt has become something of Urbinati's calling card, having dressed many Hollywood stars in the trendy item, including Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson who, for his appearance in The Drew Barrymore Show in March 2024, wore this 70s-inspired print in brown and cream tones.

Simple black pants and a timeless watch allow Johnson's eye-catching knits to enjoy their moment in the spotlight.

“The best thing about this trend is that it’s so versatile and gives off an effortless vibe,” Zerina Akers, who has worked with Beyonc and Megan Thee Stallion, told PEOPLE. “It can be paired with anything from denim to pants, cuffed chinos, or linen paintings, and it can be worn day or night. For an afternoon wedding or even brunch chic, try this trend with a textured knitted material,rather than a plain fabric, for a touch of sophistication.”

Stack the accessories

Phillip Faraone/VF24/Getty

Barry Keoghan has become one of the biggest style stars in Hollywood in 2024. Salt burn The actor attended the 2024 Vanity Fair Oscars party decked out in sparkling accessories that took his Amiri ensemble to the next level.

The actor, 31, looked stylish in a black and white patterned jacket with a white tank top and baggy black pants, but his accessories, a lariat necklace, rose brooch and watch, were the real stars. Keoghan also appeared to pay tribute to his girlfriend, Sabrina Carpenter, by wearing a friendship bracelet adorned with a heart charm and the name Sabrina seemingly spelled out with beaded letters.

Brooches have been a key accessory for men throughout the 2023-2024 awards season. Jeremy Allen White sported a 13-carat diamond Tiffany & Co. bird brooch at the 2024 SAG Awards, while Michael B. Jordan wore two similar Tiffany & Co. brooches to the London premiere of Creed III.

You don't have access to the Tiffany & Co. archives but want to add a little something extra to your wardrobe? Try a curb chain necklace or layer a colorful bracelet with your watch for an entry-level accessory, or go all the way by adding a pin to the lapel of a blazer.

Enrique Melendez, who styles Jenna Ortega and Maxwell Jenkins, adds that for accessory lovers, a chunky metal ring or even designer cufflinks can go a long way in elevating your outfit.

Ditch the tie/show a hint of pecs

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The concept of “black tie” has evolved, to the point where you may not need a tie at all, just take inspiration from some of Hollywood's biggest stars.

Jeremy Allen White and Pedro Pascal kept it cool at the 2024 SAG Awards with open shirt styles. White opted for an ivory Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello suit with an unbuttoned white shirt and black leather boots. Her diamond accessories, a Tiffany & Co. watch and brooch, added a touch of opulence.

Pascal played a romance novel cover star in a Prada ensemble consisting of a white button-down shirt with half the buttons undone, classic black pants and black shoes.

At the 2024 Oscars, Ryan Gosling wore a custom black Gucci suit with subtle metallic piping, a black shirt unbuttoned halfway, and hot pink socks as a nod to his film. barbie.

For those planning to take the plunge before a formal event, be sure to keep your stubble well-groomed and prioritize moisturizer, says one New York-based barber. John Rivera (whose tool of choice is by Philips Norelco). And, he adds, “use an aftershave balm, as anything with alcohol will dry out the skin or cause irritation.”

Opt for a brightly colored suit

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Black tuxedos are classic, but let's face it, seeing the same suit over and over again on the red carpet can get boring.

Hollywood men are spicing things up by ditching classic evening wear in favor of unexpected shades. Taylor Zakhar Perez and Tyler James Williams wore dreamy periwinkle suits (Perez at the 2024 Oscars and Wiliams at the 2024 SAG Awards) while Chris Evans matched the carpet in a crimson double-breasted suit by Dolce & Gabbana at the 2024 Vanity Fair Oscars . to party.

When it comes to making bold choices with your suits, celebrity stylist Molly Dickson (who works with Sydney Sweeney and Bella Hadid) says the key to making even an affordable suit look like a million bucks is alterations. punctual.

“The cut really has to be perfect, a tailor is your best friend, believe me!” she says.

Nervous about spending cash? Dickson says: “A suit is always a wise investment because it takes the guesswork out of dressing and you can wear each piece separately for a completely different look. Trust me, no one has ever regretted having a great pair of pants and a blazer.

Sunglasses are an extension of your look


Sunglasses are both practical and cool and Timothe Chalamet knows it. The actor's black sunglasses completed his all-leather look during the Dune: part two premiering in New York in February 2024.

Chalamet wore a caramel-colored leather long-sleeved top tucked into skinny black leather pants. Her accessories, black boots and a classic pair of black sunglasses amplified the futuristic feel of the ensemble.

Come on completely eclectic grandpa

Gregg DeGuire/FilmMagic; Karwai Tang/WireImage

Alongside fashion icons including Harry Styles and Tyler the Creator, Donald Glover has spearheaded the “Electric Grandpa” trend making the rounds on TikTok. Urbinati dressed the star in all-knit ensembles that leaned fully into the chunky cardigan trend and all in bold tones like buttery yellow and salmon pink.

“The reason someone like Donald Glover looks good in all these bold looks is because he feels so comfortable in them, so he exudes confidence and boldness,” previously said the stylist at PEOPLE. “Otherwise it wouldn’t work.”

Melendez says thinking unisex can guide you to some of the best finds for this trend: “I like oversized looks for these, so sizing is less important.” Pro Tip: Shop the sections and styles for men and women.

Bring a big bag of energy

Splash News Online; Getty; KC/Twitter Leaders

Following his Super Bowl victory and equally notable romance with Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce has amped up his style in a big way. The NFL star has had fun experimenting with colors and textures and is often spotted with an equally chic accessory and oversized bag.

Although the article probably has a practical purpose, there is no denying that it adds extra punch to its sets. As Kelce strolled into the stadium for the 2024 Super Bowl, she channeled the lights of Las Vegas in a sequinned Armani suit. With black sunglasses and a large black bag, he certainly looked like a trophy winner.

You can achieve a similar vibe by swapping out your beat-up gym bag for something a little more stylish and structured, which also works well as a commuter bag.




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