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USMNT vs Jamaica: Match Recap & Stats | Concacaf Nations League Semi-Final

USMNT vs Jamaica: Match Recap & Stats |  Concacaf Nations League Semi-Final


Arlington, Texas (March 21, 2024) The United States men's national team advanced to the 2024 Concacaf Nations League final in spectacular fashion, thanks to a second-half own goal and a double from Haji Wright in overtime to win a third consecutive appearance in the tournament title match.

The USMNT will now meet the winner of the Mexico-Panama semifinal in the Nations League Final on Sunday, March 24 at 9:15 p.m. ET, with the third-place match taking place just before. Both matches will be broadcast live on Paramount+ and Univision.

The United States found themselves at an early disadvantage when, just after the kick-off, striker Bobby De Cordova-Reid was introduced into the American 18-yard box after a throw-in. De Cordova- Reid played a cross into the far corner of the six-yard box. , where Greg Leigh finished with a header to give Jamaica the lead in 60 seconds.

As Jamaica prepared to defend and counterattack, the United States controlled an overwhelming majority of possession throughout the first half. Nine shots were attempted in the first 45 minutes, but the team's best chance to break through came just before first-half stoppage time. In the 45th minute, Weston McKennie and Tim Weah combined to bring Weah into the Jamaican 18-yard box to the left of goalkeeper Andre Blakes. Weah sent a low ball to the penalty spot that a running Malik Tillman met with his left foot. Tillman opened his hips and fired a promising shot toward the left side of the net, but it was cleared by a falling Di'Shon Bernard.

In the second half, goalkeeper Matt Turner was huge for the United States as they looked to equalize. In the 63rd minute, Renaldo Cephas beat Chris Richards on a Jamaican ball cleared in the American half. Cephas took over the dribble and found himself one-on-one with Turner. Cephas struck right past Turner, but the American goalkeeper rushed to prevent Cephas from doubling Jamaica's lead.

The United States finally made a dramatic breakthrough, with what appeared to be their very last opportunity in regulation time. After Haji Wright's clear cross earned the United States a corner, Pulisic delivered a ball that found the head of Miles Robinson. Robinson fired a header towards the center of the six-yard box and his attempt was deflected off Jamaican striker Cory Burke and past Blake for the final equalizer.

Wright scored the go-ahead goal in '97th minute during the first overtime period. Gio Reyna collected a loose ball just inside the Jamaican half, saw Wright rushing through the center of the Jamaican defense and made a perfect, no-look pass to the Coventry City man in the 18 meter penalty area. Wright ran on the ball, touched to his left and gave the United States the lead. It was Wright's first goal for the United States since his 2022 FIFA World Cup Round of 16 goal against the Netherlands.

Wright scored a double at 109th minute, once again on an assist from Reyna. Reyna again collected a loose ball, this time 30 yards from the Jamaican net, and took out two defenders with a through ball to Wright who was running down the left. Wright's first touch was long, but he recovered, turned and beat Blake to his left to give the United States a 3-1 advantage that would not relinquish. The goal doubled Wright's international goal tally, giving him four in his career to date.


JAM Greg Leigh (Bobby De Cordova-Reid), 1st minute: After a throw-in, De Cordova-Reid was played into the U.S. 18-yard box and recovered the ball near the baseline to goalkeeper Matt Turners, right. De Cordova-Reid played a cross into the far corner of the penalty area, where Leigh finished with a header to give Jamaica the lead within 60 seconds. United States 0, JAM 1

United States Cory Burke (own goal) 90th minute + 5: On a corner from the United States' attacking left side, Christian Pulisic threw a ball into the box to find defender Miles Robinson. Robinson fired a header towards the center of the six-yard box and his attempt was deflected off Cory Burke and past Blake for the final equalizer. United States 1, JAM 1

United States Haji Wright (Gio Reyna) 97th minute: With the ball just inside the Jamaican half, Reyna collected a loose ball and cleverly spotted Wright, who was making a central run into the box. Reyna's well-weighted pass found Wright in stride, allowing the striker to take a touch and place a left-footed shot past Blake. United States 2, JAM 1

United States Haji Wright (Gio Reyna) 109th minute: Wright again found himself on the end of a through ball from Reyna and again collected the pass towards the left side of the box. Wright's first touch was heavy, but he managed to recover with his back to goal, turn and place a shot into the right side of the net. USA 3, JAM 1.


  • The American equalizer in the sixth minute of stoppage time of the second half was the team's last equalizing goal in 12 years, just before Ricardo Clarks' goal at 90+7 that brought the team to a 1-0 victory against Venezuela on January 21. , 2012.
  • The USMNT has conceded four times in team history in the first minute of a competitive match and has not lost any of those matches (3-0-1).
  • Haji Wright and Tyler Adams each entered the match at 63rd minute, both making their first appearance in the United States since the 2022 FIFA World Cup Round of 16 against the Netherlands on December 3, 2022.
  • Wright's two extra-time goals took his international tally to four in his career, having last scored in the aforementioned round of 16 of the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
  • Wright is also the first player in USMNT history to score multiple goals as a substitute in a knockout match.
  • Tonight's match marked Gio Reyna's second career two-assist match, with his last coming in the 2023 Concacaf Nations League Final, a 2-0 win over Canada on June 18 2023.
  • With his two-assist performance, Reyna takes his career international tally to five in 25 appearances.
  • Weston McKennie got his 50thhat tonight. The Little Elm, Texas product becomes 61stUSMNT player to reach half-century mark in appearances. McKennie also had his team-leading 13th finish.thConcacaf Nations League appearance.
  • Christian Pulisic captained the team for the 20thtimes, tying former teammate Clint Dempsey for ninth on the USMNT captain's list. The United States is 15-2-3 when Pulisic wears the armband.
  • Tonight was the seventh knockout match between the USMNT and Jamaica. The only opponent the United States has faced more in the round of 16 is Mexico (14 times).
  • Tonight's Starting XI had an average age of 24 years and 186 days. The starting XI also has an average of 29 caps and 19 in official competition.
  • With all 22 players aged 21 or older, tonight's match marks the first time that no player under the age of 21 will appear for the USMNT since the Gold Cup final against Jamaica on July 26, 2017 in Santa Clara, California.
  • Defender Sergio Dest was suspended for one match this evening after receiving a red card during the team's last CNL match in Trinidad and Tobago on November 20, 2023.
  • Gregg Berhalter is 42-14-12 in 68 games as USMNT head coach. The United States is 27-7-7 in competitive matches under Berhalter's leadership, with his .744 winning percentage the highest among USMNT head coaches with a minimum of eight competitive matches official.


Match: United States Men's National Team vs. Jamaica
Date: March 21, 2024
Competition: 2024 Concacaf Nations League Semi-Final
Place: AT&T Stadium; Arlington, TX
To start up: 7 p.m. ET (6 p.m. local)
Weather report: 63 degrees; cloudy

Summary of scores: 1 2 OT1 OT2 F
United States 0 1 1 1 3
JAM 1 0 0 0 1

JAM Gregory Leigh (Bobby Reid) 1st minute
USA own goal (Cory Burke) 90+6
United States Haji Wright (Gio Reyna) 97
United States Haji Wright (Gio Reyna) 110

UNITED STATES: 1-Matt Turner; 5-Antonee Robinson, 3-Chris Richards, 12-Miles Robinson, 19-Joe Scally (7-Gio Reyna, 46); 8-Weston McKennie, 6-Yunus Musah (4-Tyler Adams, 63) (15-Johnny Cardoso, 100), 17-Malik Tillman (11-Brenden Aaronson, 76); 10-Christian Pulisic (captain), 20-Folarin Balogun (9-Ricardo Pepi, 63 years old), 21-Tim Weah (14-Haji Wright, 63 years old)
Unused substitutes: 18-Ethan Horvath, 22-Drake Callender, 13-Tim Ream, 16-Mark McKenzie, 23-Kristoffer Lund
Suspended: 2-Sergio Dest
Head coach: Gregg Berhalter

JAM: 1-André Blake (captain); 2-Dexter Lembiska, 17-Damion Lowe, 3-Michael Hector, 6-De'shon Bernard, 22-Gregory Leigh (7-Kaheim Dixon, 102); 10-Bobby Reid, 14-Kasey Palmer (16-Karoy Anderson, 74); 20-Renaldo Cephas (9-Cory Burke, 74) (18-Romario Williams, 102)
Unused substitutes: 13-Shaquan Davis, 23-Jahmal Waite, 4-Tayvon Gray, 5-Richard King, 11-Shamar Nicholson, 12-Demarai Gray, 21-Bailey Cadamarteri
Head coach: Heimir Hallgrimsson

Summary of statistics: United States / JAM
Shots: 25/6
Shots on goal: 7/3
Saves: 2/5
Corners: 12/3
Fouls: 13/22
Offside: 1/6

Summary of misconduct:
USA Joe Scally (Attention) 12th minute
JAM – Dexter Lembiska (Attention) 51
JAM Kasey Palmer (Attention) 54
JAM Damione Lowe (Attention) 69

Referee: Selvin Brown (HON)
Assistant referee 1: Gerson Orellana (HON)
Assistant referee 2: Enmanuel Aquirre (NCA)
4th Official: Keylor Herrera (CRC)
VAR: Ricardo Montero (CRC)
AVAR1: Benjamin Whitty (CAY)

Michelob Ultra Man of the Match: Haji Wright




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