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Is this the next big “ugly” shoe? Why These Awkward, Celebrity-Approved Kicks Are Everywhere

Is this the next big “ugly” shoe?  Why These Awkward, Celebrity-Approved Kicks Are Everywhere


UGG's new clog is the latest iteration of the wildly popular but controversial “ugly” shoe trend, in which Crocs and heeled Birkenstocks have reigned supreme.

Venture Daze Clogs at $150 a bulky, unisex slipper-sneaker hybrid that combines the box-stitched comfort of the brand's iconic Tasmans with supportive soles similar to running shoes, they became the hottest celebrity shoes after the resurgence of Ultra Mini boots.

Model Gigi Hadid was spotted this week in a pair of sand-colored Venture Daze sneakers, pairing the outdoor shoes with blue jeans, a plain white tee, and a leather bomber jacket.

Meanwhile, 'Saltburn' star Barry Keoghan was pictured in the bright green colorway with a gray vest and black sports shorts.

Casual UGG shoes added to Hadid's casual ensemble. GC Images
The “Saltburn” star paired her neon sneakers with a more preppy outfit consisting of a sweater vest and white t-shirt. Getty Images for UGG

While the ultra-bulky tread seems suited to hiking, the shoe's assimilation into casual street style is part of the growing trend.gorpcore“aesthetic, marked by the incorporation of athletic style shoes in everyday life or even high fashion.

During New York Fashion Week, models walked the Collina Strada runway in puffy, ruffled, multi-colored UGG boots. In Milan, Marco Rambaldi paired a two-piece set in delicate, sheer fabric with heavy, lace-up UGGs, while in London, emerging designer Tolu Coker showcased a pair of UGG clogs on the catwalk.

The Post has contacted UGG for comment.

If anything, the A-list endorsement of clunky, Gen Z-loved shoes is confirmation that the so-called “ugly” shoe trend is here to stay.

As Faran Krentcil, InStyle writer say it: “Ugly, but make it fashionable, butAlsomake it viral! »

Statement slip-ons cost $150 online.

In recent years, certain shoes have contributed to the shock factor buzz, like MSCHF's Big Red Boots and their yellow iteration in partnership with Crocs, Loewe's playful balloon heels or Louis Vuitton's bizarre human-leg knee-highs.

There is also the rise of furry pumps perfect for winter, beastly shoes has gained importance on recent podiums for Burberry, Gucci and Dauphinette and the continued popularity of Maison Margiela Tabis, which could be considered the original “ugly” shoe.

Polarizing pumps have been compared to a horse's hoof by critics due to the controversial split tip, and have fashion experts are divided as to whether weirdness is rebellious and intellectual or simply a high cost misstep.

However, the Tabis are loved by many celebritiesincluding Dua Lipa, Rosalia and Olivia Rodrigo.

The Venture Daze clogs are just another iteration of the “ugly” shoe trend that has taken over the fashion space in recent years. GC Images
Keoghan's outfit is perhaps an example of the “bad shoe theory” in nature, in which people associate their outfits with an antithesis of shoes. Getty Images for UGG

Meanwhile, other styles popular with consumers were a bit more practical, like Mesh ballerinassold by “It” girl brands such as Sandy Liang and The Row, which gained traction last year as fashionistas ditched their traditional sandals for the shoe with more visual intrigue but still suited to the raunchiness of the 'summer.

Like the heavenly softness offered by the cult UGG shoes, 90s Chunky Dad Sneakers have also made a resurgence in recent years, as seen in Adam Sandler, who sported a pair of HOKA sneakers in neon colors on a recent red carpet.

But the comfort of the aforementioned “ugly” shoes isn’t just for older generations; Generation Z fashion influencer Clara Perlmutter prefers “geriatric sneakers” with her leather pants or long skirts. told InStyle.

The love of “ugly” shoes is perhaps a symptom of the “bad shoe theory,” coined by stylist Allison Bornstein, in which style savants pair clothing with a shoe that is the antithesis of an outfit, like sneakers with dresses or sandals. with pants.

Either way, intentionally selecting two “wrong” shoes constitutes ultra-chic entitlement. In doing so, it makes an outfit “dynamic and interesting,” Brooklyn-based content creator Toiby Hayes previously told the Post.

That's why I think bad shoe theory is so important, Bornstein said in a TikTok video at the time. It kind of indicates that there is intention and choice, and therefore it gives personality to your look.




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