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Clippers beat 76ers in controversial fashion

Clippers beat 76ers in controversial fashion


Kawhi Leonard completed two three-point plays late in the game, then blocked the rim on the final possession to lead the Clippers to a 108-107 victory over the Philadelphia 76ers on Wednesday night.

Paul George had 22 points for Los Angeles while Leonard added 17. James Hardenin his return to the Wells Fargo Center, had 16 points and 14 assists for the Clippers, who had lost six of nine.

Tyrese Maxey had 26 points for the 76ers while Kelly Oubre Jr. added 17, but was stranded at the rim by Leonard on a play that 76ers coach Nick Nurse said should have resulted in a foul on George.

The officials' crew after the game said a foul should have been called on the final play that would have sent Oubre to the line with a chance to win the game.

Nurse burst onto the field to challenge the non-call and had to be restrained by his assistants. Oubre also joined in the mix, pointing at each official before being pulled away after the final horn.

Well, I think, look, I think he took it pretty hard, didn't he? Said the nurse. I watched it on our computer screen several times. I thought there was definitely contact. Certainly as much as the last two or three which were followed by and-1s at the other end of the line. And that's all. I just thought that was enough to call. But that's how it happens sometimes.

Game officials agreed.

On the last play on the field, the team interpreted that play in real time as a vertical jump by the defender, referee Kevin Scott told a pool reporter. However, in the post-match video review, we observed a slight drift to his left from defender George, and a foul should have been called.

Leonard grabbed 10 rebounds to go along with his 17 points, most of which came in the second half after rebounding from 1-of-8 shooting in the first half.

We had to stay focused if we wanted to stay in the game, he said.

I liked our fight when we were down by 15 points, Clippers head coach Tyronn Lue said. This is a tough game for the first game of a road trip. … I just liked that we stayed with it, attacked the paint and got to the rim.

Leonard scored with 44 seconds left, was fouled by Tobias Harris and made the free throw to give the Clippers a 105-104 lead. 76ers guard Buddy Hield responded with a long three-pointer to give Philadelphia a 107-105 lead with 23 seconds left.

After a timeout, Leonard cut an empty lane with a reverse layup and added the free throw after being fouled by Oubre to give the Clippers a one-point lead again. Oubre raced down the lane to the other end of the court, but Leonard jammed the ball against the rim and backboard.

Harden played one season for the 76ers before being traded to Los Angeles on October 31 in a seven-player deal after a summer contract dispute with Daryl Morey, president of basketball operations. from Philadelphia.

Harden was greeted with boos when he was the first Clippers player introduced, then was heckled every time he touched the ball. After a slow start, Harden began to assert himself on the offensive end and distribute the ball. He was six of 15 from the field and grabbed five rebounds.

I expected it,” Harden said. I really don't know what it is, but I expected it. So that’s how it is. I don't even know why they were booing. You can ask them. I don't know why they were booing.

When asked if he would ever be able to repair his relationship with Morey, who he was close to during his time in Houston and Philadelphia, the answer was straightforward.

No, Harden replied. Surely not.


The Clippers continue their four-game trip to Orlando on Friday night.




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