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LeBron James Company Launches Affordable Men's Grooming Collection

LeBron James Company Launches Affordable Men's Grooming Collection


LeBron James and Maverick Carter's company has launched a men's grooming collection inspired by “The Shop.”

The collection seems like a natural path for fans of “The shop,” an award-winning series that brings athletes, celebrities and thought leaders into a barbershop to discuss everything from pop culture to higher education. The series is the crown jewel of The SpringHill companythe multimedia brand founded by James and Carter in 2020.

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LeBron James.

The shop

Carter and Paul Rivera, co-creators of “The Shop,” held a pop-up in New York's SoHo neighborhood last week to celebrate the collection's release. They told Business Insider that the idea of ​​creating a men's grooming line crystallized in 2021.

“It started with a roundtable discussion of about 18 men within our company, ranging from interns all the way up to LeBron James himself,” Rivera said. “We started with what we didn’t know, and it evolved into what we would like to see.”

Rivera said interest in men's grooming has increased in recent years, coinciding with their natural progression in the beauty industry.

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The shop

“It's become very common for us to be like, 'Man, your skin looks great. What are you using?'” Rivera said. “There was even a moment when we had Travis Scott as a guest, where he said he was Googling facial routines and men's grooming routines.”

“As the show evolved, I thought it was a natural extension of ‘The Shop’ brand,” Rivera added.

The collection enters the industry at a time when men's grooming is booming. According to data from a market research company Research on Grand ViewThe global men's grooming products market was valued at $202.6 billion in 2022. According to the report's revenue forecast, the industry would bring in $376.4 billion in 2030.

Carter told BI that younger consumers willing to ignore stereotypes surrounding men's grooming have helped bolster this growth.

Tap Images from

The shop

“You can really be whoever you want to be,” Carter said of young consumers' thinking. “You don’t have to subscribe to what a man is supposed to be or shouldn’t be.”

He pointed to other industries, including music and fashion, where consumers have also pushed the boundaries.

“It was a mission to create high-quality formulas that also had a pleasant scent that would deliver the feeling and promise of what 'The Shop' stands for, which is a brand that aims to bring people together, empowerment and feeling like you can do anything,” Carter said.

The collection includes seven products, including aftershave toner, anti-bump solutionAnd beard cream leave-in conditioner. All of the products they sell are under $10 and will be exclusively available for purchase at Walmart starting April 1st.

Shop The Shop Skincare Collection at Walmart Now.




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