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Fans Love Hunter Schafers' Hand-Painted Starry Night Dress

Fans Love Hunter Schafers' Hand-Painted Starry Night Dress


Hunter Schafer became a walking, three-dimensional work of art in a dress inspired by Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night.

THE Cuckoo the star was released on April 11 for GQat the Global Creativity Awards, and she couldn't have represented pure art better. Although Schafer is known for taking risks and being passionate about avant-garde when it comes to her red carpet fashion, the 25-year-old took it to a whole new level in a custom painted Marni dress in the hand which recalled Van Gogh's famous dress. artwork.

Both Euphoria star and Francesco Rossi, creative director of Marnis, were honored at the event.

The texture of Schafer's dress was an exaggerated impasto – like Van Gogh's paintings – of blue, yellow and white. The slim silhouette is fitted at the waist and features a plunging neckline. Schafer's hair was slicked to the side, with long extensions falling down her back. Her pointy heels were also painted to match the design of the dress.

On Instagram, Marni invited its subscribers to visualize the complex production process through a photo carousel. The base of the dress appeared to be a long blue silk duchess garment. Once the dress was attached to the form, the painter went in with a metal tool, intentionally splattering thick strokes of paint onto it.

Enamored viewers took to X (formerly Twitter) and TikTok to express their awe and admiration for the carefully crafted couture.

Absolutely gagged, one fan wrote, indicating their affection for the dress.

On TikTok, Interview The magazine's fashion director, Dara Allen — who also works as Schafers' stylist — filmed a close-up ASMR video of the dress.

Hunter, as always, looks magical! This piece is also amazing, one individual commented under the TikTok, while another said: Obsessed omggg.

A viewer also praised Dara's work as a stylist: THE BEST stylist of this generation.

Rissos custom Marni has already implemented fine art codes, dressing Tracee Ellis Ross in a hand-painted high-neck sleeveless dress for the New Museums Spring Gala, and Erykah Badu in a painted coat for the New Museums Spring Gala. GQ event.

Schafer sported Marni during the press tour of The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. For the film's premiere in New York, she walked the red carpet in a pink mini dress with organic floral embellishments. The petals and vines practically jumped out of the fabric, wrapping around Schafer's shoulders and arms.

This Marni dress is truly special. It looks like he's covered in stickers and growing a bouquet of wire and aluminum flowers, Dara said. Vogue about the first look. I love that even though there's all this disjointed decoration, the silhouette underneath is super simple and sweet. It was important to us to balance pulling off a waterfall with chic simplicity.




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