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Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli dies at 83

Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli dies at 83


Roberto Cavalli, the Italian designer who infused sex appeal into the printed bohemian look, has died at 83. His death was confirmed by the brand. The Roberto Cavalli Company shares its condolences to Mr. Cavallis’ family. His legacy remains a constant source of inspiration, said Sergio Azzolari, CEO of Roberto Cavallis.

By the time shows started going digital (around 2000), Cavalli was a well-established name in the fashion world; an elder, even, enjoying a second glory. He gave off a Hefner vibe (minus the dress) when he took his bow in the fall of 2001 while smoking a pipe. (The designer was actually asked to redesign the Playboy bunny costume in 2005.) At that time, the leonine Cavalli was living the good life, something he achieved with swagger and intelligence and against all odds. In the context of Cacvalli's life story, the cult of the body and the sexiness of his work could be seen more broadly as an affirmation of life itself, which he understood, from an early age , as being fragile.

Born in Florence in 1940, Cavalli's maternal grandfather was a member of the Macchiaioli group of Italian impressionists. His father, an anti-fascist who was said to have been a mining surveyor, was shot dead by Nazi forces when Cavalli was just three years old. The psychological impact was expressed physically through stuttering. It wasn't easy for me to speak, it's a shock, the designer told Luke Leitch in 2011. interview. To support the family, her mother began sewing at home, hiring seamstresses to help her. At 17, a confident Cavalli enrolled at the Academy of Arts in Florence to study art and architecture. There he met and fell in love with his first wife and mother of two of his children, Silvanella Giannoni.

In 1960, after hand-painting sweaters for a friend in the knitting business, Cavalli was inspired to create something of his own with rather traditional floral prints and began applying them to existing garments. . It wasn't long before the designer, Leitch wrote in a 2011 article for Panorama, had taught himself textile printing techniques on a borrowed ping-pong table, worked on his own six-metre printing table (purchased by his mother) in a rented garage, and built his first factory, with the financing from a friend. This factory was flooded in November 1966, shortly before the Summer of Love, which Cavalli would extend endlessly in fashion and in his personal life.

The designers' next breakthrough came when trying to fix a lie used when chasing girls. Cavalli told the following anecdote Panorama interview. In September 1970, the young divorcee threw a party at the home of leather designer Mario Valentino. Trying to impress a beautiful woman who asked him what he did, Cavalli replied that he made leather prints. She then presented it to the host, who asked to see them. The designer took up the challenge by applying his printing technique to the finest glove leather. (Hippie florals in a dusty Cacharel palette were all the rage at the time.) Valentino wasn't the only one impressed; Herms wanted to acquire exclusive rights to this technique. I was coming back from Paris and on this plane I was thinking. I thought maybe now if I designed a collection I could meet a lot of models! This has always been a principle of my life! » the designer told Leitch.




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