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Victoria Beckham demands refund for dresses from Matches Fashion after online retailer collapses

Victoria Beckham demands refund for dresses from Matches Fashion after online retailer collapses


Victoria Beckham is demanding the return of her fashion brand stocks following the collapse of luxury retail group Matches Fashion, it has emerged.

The former Spice Girl, who launched her eponymous brand in 2008, demanded the retailer return all the summer stock she sent them in March after learning the e-tailer was to close.

Luxury e-commerce retailer Matches was placed into administration in March, just months after it was acquired by Fraser Group, owned by retail entrepreneur Mike Ashley, for US$52 million ($66.6 million) . The fashion business reported at the time.

A source from the Beckhams label saidSunday mail that the bosses asked for the clothes to be returned for fear that Matches would not pay for them before closing its website.

The source said: Matches continues to sell designer clothing online and has promised to pay for everything. But some brands, like VB, insisted on getting the stock back so they could resell it themselves. Not everyone is convinced of Mike Ashley's outfit and the directors will pay.

The independent has contacted representatives of Matches fashion and Victoria Beckhams for comment.

Currently, there are 68 Beckhams brand products on sale on the website, ranging from a plain black long-sleeve tee starting at $190 to a forest green jersey dress for $1,450.

When the Fraser Group announced Matches' bankruptcy in March, it said it no longer had any way to stabilize the business and it had become clear that too many changes would be needed to restructure it.

Victoria Beckham launched her eponymous brand in 2008 and has since expanded into selling makeup lines. (Getty Images)

Ongoing financing needs would far exceed the amounts that the Group considers viable, the press release indicates.

In light of this, Frasers has been informed that the directors of Matches have made the decision to place the Matches Group into administration. Frasers remains committed to the luxury market and its partner brands.

Beckham launched her brand in New York in 2008 with the aim of creating wearable yet sophisticated ready-to-wear pieces for the modern woman's wardrobe. Since then, the brand has grown and today offers shoes, glasses and leather goods. She also has a spin-off brand, Victoria Beckham Beauty, which specializes in makeup and skincare.

Beckham wears her My Dad Had A Rolls-Royce t-shirt, which she sells through her eponymous brand (Instagram via @victoriabeckham / Netflix)

In November, Beckham launched a 110 T-shirt printed with the slogan My Dad Had a Rolls-Royce, which references a comment she was widely mocked for saying in the Netflix documentary. Beckham.

In it, Victoria claimed to be from a working-class background, although she was driven to school in a Rolls-Royce by her father. Her husband David was quick to point out the hypocrisy of her statement, and the exchange, filmed, went viral on social media.

A month later, Beckham released the T-shirt. The product description on its labels site reads: Made from soft organic cotton, the My Dad Had A Rolls-Royce slogan tee embodies the brand's playful side.

Designed with dropped shoulder seams and a classic crew neckline, it features a relaxed fit and refined feel.




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