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Nicky Hilton shines in a white Oscar de la Renta maxi dress with green floral print while out and about in New York

Nicky Hilton shines in a white Oscar de la Renta maxi dress with green floral print while out and about in New York


  • The long-sleeved white dress featured a bright green orchid print and Nicky carried a matching green Hermès handbag.
  • She completed her outfit with brown platform sandals and also accessorized with sunglasses and earrings.
  • Nicky wore her blonde hair up and accentuated her natural beauty with a full face of makeup including pink lipstick.

Nicky Hilton looked angelic in a white dress with a green floral print on Tuesday as she strolled around New York.

The 40-year-old socialite glowed in a cotton Oscar de la Renta maxi dress during a stroll in the SoHo neighborhood.

The long-sleeved white dress featured a bright green orchid print and Nicky carried a matching green Hermès handbag.

She completed her outfit with brown platform sandals and also accessorized with sunglasses and earrings.

Nicky wore her blonde hair up and accentuated her natural beauty with a full face of makeup including pink lipstick.

Nicky Hilton looked angelic in a white dress with a green floral print on Tuesday as she strolled around New York.

Nicky Hilton looked angelic in a white dress with a green floral print on Tuesday as she strolled around New York.

The younger sister of Paris Hilton, 43, has been married since 2015 to James Rothschild, 38.

They have daughters Lily-Grace, six, and Theodora 'Teddy' Marilyn, five, and son Chasen, one, together.

Nicky revealed her son's name last month almost two years after welcoming him with husband James.

Despite being open about their daughters' names, Nicky and James have remained assiduously tight-lipped about the name they gave their son.

In an interview with Us every weekshe explained that her son was named Chasen, explaining, “We always liked that name, and it was unusual.”

She still considers Chasen her “little baby” and “can't believe he's going to start preschool in the fall,” she revealed.

“He’s trying to talk. He says a lot of words, but not yet complete sentences. He is so sweet and his big sisters adore him,” added the proud mother of three.

“They love him. Zero jealousy. They adore him. I'm very lucky that all my kids get along extremely well,” Nicky shared, adding, “The girls have the occasional fight, but everyone gets along great.”

The 40-year-old socialite glowed in a cotton Oscar de la Renta maxi dress during a stroll in the SoHo neighborhood.

The long-sleeved white dress featured a bright green orchid print and Nicky carried a matching green Hermès handbag.

The 40-year-old socialite glowed in a cotton Oscar de la Renta maxi dress during a stroll in the SoHo neighborhood.

Nicky had her blonde hair up while out and about

Nicky had her blonde hair up while out and about

The blonde beauty turned the sidewalk into her personal fashion show

The socialite looked angelic while walking around New York

The blonde beauty turned the sidewalk into her personal fashion show

She completed her outfit with brown platform sandals and also accessorized with sunglasses and earrings.

She completed her outfit with brown platform sandals and also accessorized with sunglasses and earrings.

Nickyand accentuated her natural beauty with a full makeup look including pink lipstick

Nickyand accentuated her natural beauty with a full makeup look including pink lipstick

The mother of three flashed her cute smile while crossing a street

The mother of three flashed her cute smile while crossing a street

Chasen is just “like his dad,” Nicky said fondly, explaining that she meant her 1-year-old was “very, very serious.” This is so cute.'

Teddy is “definitely” the “more girly and feminine” of the two sisters, while Lily-Grace is “more like me, a little quieter and reserved,” Nicky noted.

Nicky married James, grandson of the third Baron Rothschild, in 2015 in a ceremony at the Orangery at Kensington Palace with her older sister Paris as bridesmaid.

Paris herself became a mother twice last year, welcoming two children via surrogacy with her venture capitalist husband, Carter Reum, 43.

They shocked the world in January 2023 when they announced the arrival of their son Phoenix, and then again on Thanksgiving when Paris announced that she now had a daughter and named her London.




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