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Everything you missed from Barcelona Fashion Week 080

Everything you missed from Barcelona Fashion Week 080


The 33rd edition of 080 Barcelona Fashion Week kicked off last Tuesday, inviting fashion lovers and brands to come to the Recinte Modernista in Sant Pau and witness the collections of twenty-four of the biggest Spanish fashion brands. With a packed schedule of shows, each focused on sustainability, circularity and diversity, as well as modern style, here's a look at our favorite shows from the three-day event.

WITH LOVE romanticized the past
080 Fashion Barcelona

WITH LOVE hosted its SS24 show titled CANNON BEACH, an ode to vintage patriotism from the Romantic era. Ruffled collars, silk bodices and frayed belts referenced a period of lavish bourgeoisness, recalling the European opulence of the past; however, this has been overturned by modern designs, such as baseball caps and varsity jackets. The WITH LOVE collection as a whole delved into the archival luxury of a long-forgotten era, both romanticizing it and reviving it for modern times.

Our sexual expectations were set at DOMINNICO
080 Fashion Barcelona

DOMINICANfounded by Dominican designer Domingue Rodriguez, put on an intensely sexy show last week that featured a bold color palette, body-hugging silhouettes, and a ton of texture to top it all off. Lace skirts adorned with faux fur, silk ribbons hung from leather ensembles and recycled double denim silhouettes were stamped with silver studs. From mini skirts and booty shorts to fur boots and loose jackets, DOMINNICO's SS24 collection was the sex symbol of Barcelona Fashion Week 080.

EAUT provided an architectural adaptation
080 Fashion Barcelona

WATERThe brand's 10th collection was unveiled in Barcelona last week, featuring well-tailored silhouettes and a dark color palette, both familiar trademarks of the brand. Designer Eaut Barruetabea is known for her architectural approach to fashion, having started studying architecture in Barcelona before moving into fashion design, and this is reflected in the movement, cuts and shapes of her collections . Classic costumes are deconstructed and reconstructed into avant-garde interpretations, and paired with bright and unusual masks.

GA G STUDIO ushered in a scourge of black
080 Fashion Barcelona

GA G STUDIO presented its latest collection, entitled 02. PLAGUE, divided into several parts. While the collection begins in stark, pure white, with sheer dresses and layered wool pieces making up a cleansing palette, an invasion of black slowly seeps in. At first, black appears subtly, like in the faded knit shirts, but by the end, its obsidian hue has taken over the entire collection. From pure white to intense black, each piece in GA G STUDIO is perfectly designed.

Slow fashion raises the temperature at the HABEY CLUB
080 Fashion Barcelona

HABEY CLUB is a Spanish brand known for its use of recycled fabrics and 100% organic fibers to create artisanal and ethical luxury fashion. Worn by Rosalia, HABEY CLUB collections are always elevated and innovative takes on trending styles, featuring denim skirts, fur sandals and bright red knits (a Rosalia favorite). Her SS24 show titled SIDE EFFECTS followed the same narrative, transforming slow fashion into looks that will make your heart skip a beat.

JNORIG brought German grunge to Barcelona
080 Fashion Barcelona

JNORIGThe SS24 collection, titled SYSTEMATIC DISRUPTION, was a visualization of designer Javier Girns' German roots. While Girn moved to Barcelona to study, he grew up on the dirty streets of Frankfurt, Germany, where androgynous silhouettes, sexy everyday pieces, and black were in everyone's wardrobe. In JNORIG's latest collection, we saw slim silhouettes, 3D printed accessories and a take on the impact of technology on fashion through the use of drones on the catwalk.

Martn Across elevated the everyday
080 Fashion Barcelona

Martn through looks to the Andean landscapes of Ecuador for its SS24 collection, delving into a journey of art, culture and technology through its designs. Knitted shirts featuring images of people going about their daily lives ground the collection as a representation of reality, while more abstract patterns seen on puffer jackets and dresses add an ethereal touch. Overall, we say that the Martn Across SS24 collection combines the reality of everyday life with the vibrant optimism of travel, a perfect representation of what it feels like to step out of your comfort zone.

The Label edition plays with texture
080 Fashion Barcelona

The Label Edition is the brainchild of two iconic creatives, co-founder and creative director Vronique Von Siebenthal and co-founder Laura Johansson. Known for its timeless and ethical style, the brand's SS24 collection, titled UNFOLDING, is a mix of textures, colors and materials. All-denim silhouettes, from jeans and jackets to oversized ties, are juxtaposed with dresses designed entirely in leather, while silhouettes are exaggerated for a touch of drama.

Velasquez immersed himself in his Colombian roots
080 Fashion Barcelona

Mateo Velasquez is the founder of Velazquez, his eponymous brand known for its bold and androgynous aesthetic. Born in Colombia but raised between Madrid and London, Velasquez's style draws on his own queer experience, tackling the social conventions of masculinity in a striking, ethereal style. His fall-winter 2024 collection, titled Barequebero, references the mining town where Velasquez grew up, drawing on ideas of cultural heritage, childhood and self-discovery.

Txell Miras wore her hair up
080 Fashion Barcelona

Txell Miras The brand has risen to fame in the Catalan fashion world and around the world over the past fifteen years, and its latest collection titled Scrambling in the Shadows has lived up to the hype. Silhouettes are deconstructed, subverted and transformed before our eyes into monochrome and avant-garde forms. A few looks feature signature furry accessories hanging in ponytails from models' waists and chests, referencing the concept of a second skin. Overall, Txell Miras' latest collection is utilitarian, innovative, and everything we want modern fashion to be.

Featured image via 080 Barcelona Fashion

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