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Despair: The world cries as the Four Lads throw away their skinny jeans

Despair: The world cries as the Four Lads throw away their skinny jeans


All is not what it seems at the Birmingham Bullring Shopping Centre. OrFour men Once resplendent in form-fitting polyester and denim-spandex blends, we now see a completely different scene. The same men returned, but this time they swapped their tight pants for looser ones. Pinstripes are replaced by loose straight legs, compact jeggings by roomy cargos, there's not even a single ankle in sight. Up top, things look just as big, as nippled polos and cuffed sleeves are swapped out for oversized hoodies and tees. They are the Four Lads in Jeans, and they have bowed to the twisted prejudices of society. They burned down the Library of Alexandria. Rich text is lost.

THE AND photo of four boys was posted in 2019 and quickly captured the nation's imagination with their sheath outfit. The photo has spawned a multitude of memes, international debates and even their my own statue outside All Bar One Birmingham, so why make the change now? Well, sponsored content of course! In a video posted to the Bullrings TikTok account, the four men head to the mall on a mission to find the perfect wide-leg pants, calling on brands like Arket, Levis and Superdry for their upgrades. The Arena is the ultimate fashion destination, the voiceover offers quite convincingly.

While we all love shopping on someone else's dime, what does this change actually say about the way people dress now? In 2024, the four guys giving in to societal pressure makes a lot of sense. The outfits they wore in 2019 already seemed dated, and what they're wearing now rings more true to how TikTok often suggests the majority of people should dress. What is even more interesting is that this new development occurs in a context freshly relaunched debate in fashion around the return of skinny jeans. As they resurface on the slopes like Aaron Ash And Miu Miuperhaps this is further proof that the general public is simply not ready to welcome them yet?

That said, we all know that fashion loves a contrarian stance (that's ultimately how you push the boundaries), so now that the four horsemen of skinny jeans have finally crossed over to straight, it's probably the sign of a true renewal. is in fact on the horizon: The trend cycle has made yet another orbit around the sun, and it's just sweeping guys away now, before finally moving on. Either way, we welcome their exploration of fashion and the spoils it can bring them. Godspeed, four guys in jeans.




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