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Inside Rami Kadi's Spectacular Fashion Showcase in AlUla

Inside Rami Kadi's Spectacular Fashion Showcase in AlUla


On the evening of April 19, Lebanese designer Rami Kadi made history by becoming the first Arab designer to partner with AlUla moments, treating a selection of special guests to a one-of-a-kind outdoor show in the middle ancient ruins. The mountain-fringed grounds of the Arab oasis city.

rami kadi


Titled “Les Miroirs,” Kadi’s Spring/Summer 2024 line blurred the lines between haute couture and the raw, pure beauty of AlUla. A collection of 40 stunning ensembles, the “Mirrors” also included 10 looks specially designed with this milestone moment in mind. Taking inspiration from AlUla's natural landscape, rich heritage and architectural wonders such as Maraya, the world's largest mirrored building located in the Ashar Valley, Kadi offered holographic gowns and sculptural gowns – crafted in made from recycled plastics, broken glass and much more – which reflected the setting sun in the most spectacular way.

In addition to looks that mimic mirrors and broken glass, Kadi's special showcase also featured colorful numbers in bursts of pinks, greens and blues, intricately embellished looks that combine elegance and cheekiness, and sharp silhouettes in unexpected combinations – think shimmering blazers with shorts or cropped fits. Off-the-shoulder blouses with puffy capes. And then there were the wedding dresses, frothy and free-spirited, sparkling and luminous. Inspired by the flora of AlUla, each of Rami Kadi's wedding dresses was a moment apart.

To complete this carefully curated collection, Kadi chose to opt for statement pieces in silver and gold, created in collaboration with Madrasat Addeera, AlUla's creative arts center which teaches crafts to local women with the aim to promote self-sufficiency and regional traditions. Today, Madrasat Addeera is a well-known facet of the AlJadidah artistic district in AlUla and offers workshops ranging from jewelry making to embroidery and ceramics. Along with this, the event also did its part by dedicating a portion of the collection's sales to the preservation of the Arabian leopard, native to the region.

rami kadi


Given the weight of this moment in Rami Kadi's fashion career, friends and supporters from across the region made sure to have a front row seat to cheer on the creative. The star guest list included Najwa Karam, Dorra Zarrouk, Mila AlZahrani, Nojoud Alrumaihi and Lama Alakeel, almost all of whom wore eye-catching looks by the designer. Fresh off the success of his show, Kadi chats with Vogue Arabia about her journey so far and the day it happened.

You are the first Arab designer to partner with AlUla moments. What inspired this decision?

Partnering with AlUla for this collection was an inspired decision, rooted in the region's unrivaled blend of historical significance, natural beauty and cultural richness. The landscape of AlUla, characterized by ancient petroglyphs, striking rock formations and lush oases, provided a captivating source of inspiration that I had never encountered before. The SS24 collection draws deep inspiration from the unique characteristics of AlUla, paying homage to its mystical allure. Every aspect of the collection, from the cuts and embroidery to the patterns and colors, is imbued with the essence of the AlUla landscape. By translating the rich history and natural beauty of the region into couture pieces, the collection seeks to encapsulate the timeless allure of AlUla, making it the driving force behind my creative vision. Collaborating with AlUla moments allowed me to share this vision with a wider audience, showcasing the beauty and cultural richness of the region to the world, in addition to adding a unique element to the dresses.

Tell us about your storefront in AlUla. What was the inspiration behind this?

The “Les Miroirs” collection embodies the essence of AlUla in every detail, from the intricate designs to the desert-inspired color palette. Through this showcase, we paid homage to the region’s heritage while celebrating its enduring spirit and beauty.

What attracted you to AlUla?

AlUla's rich heritage, stunning landscapes and rich culture are what attracted me to the region. Its timeless look and unique characteristics served as a captivating source of inspiration for my latest collection “Les Miroirs”.

Can you share with us your first memory with fashion? When did you realize you had a passion for this field?

My earliest memory of fashion dates back to my childhood, where I often found myself exploring my mother's wardrobe, fascinated by the range of fabrics and textures. I have always been drawn to creativity, spending hours designing dresses and experimenting with different materials. It was during these times that I realized my passion for fashion and knew it was a path I wanted to pursue.

Of all the pieces you presented at AlUla today, do you have a favorite? What is it and why?

Among all the pieces we have featured in AlUla, my favorite is a beige pink georgette dress. This look is special to me because of the intricate macramé technique used. What makes it truly unique is the application of vector graphic patterns, which is a new sewing technique. This combination of traditional craftsmanship and innovative techniques results in a piece that perfectly captures the essence of my vision for the collection.

As a Lebanese creative, what do you think of the progress the region's designers are making on a global scale?

As a Lebanese designer, I am excited by the global recognition gained by the talented designers in our region. It's inspiring to see our unique talents making waves on the international fashion scene.

Can you tell us more about the location and setting of your show this time? What makes it different from previous shows?

This time, our show took place against the breathtaking backdrop of AlUla's landscape, celebrating its unique charm and cultural heritage. The place itself reflects this, incorporating the shapes and colors of AlUla stones into the decor. What sets it apart from previous shows is the seamless fusion of natural elements with contemporary design, creating a truly immersive experience for the audience. Everything from the stage to the entrance walls was decorated in pale gold and earthy tones, reflecting the colors of the desert and adding to the ambiance of the event.

Finally, what’s next for Rami Kadi?

Looking ahead, Maison Rami Kadi is poised for continued innovation and growth. Our commitment to creativity, craftsmanship and sustainability remains steadfast as we embark on new ventures, forge partnerships and collaborate globally. Additionally, we look forward to unveiling our Fall/Winter 24/25 collection, highlighting our persistent drive to challenge convention and maintain our relevance in the fashion landscape.




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