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Streaming: High & Low: John Galliano and the best fashion films | Documentary films

Streaming: High & Low: John Galliano and the best fashion films |  Documentary films


For for those bleating about the inequities of so-called cancel culture, the career of British fashion designer John Galliano is a useful counterpoint. Fired in 2011 from his post as creative director of Christian Dior after an appalling incident of anti-Semitic abuse on his part, he spent two years in the wilderness before being hired by Oscar de la Renta and then by Maison Margiela, where he has been working for a decade. Stars always wear her dresses on red carpets. Life goes on. Documentary by Kevin Macdonald Top and bottom: John Galliano (broadcast on Mubi from April 26) chronicles the rise, fall and rise of Galliano with a more distanced critical eye than one might expect from a film co-produced by Vogue publisher Cond Nast. There is appreciation due to his distinctive design sensibility, but scrutiny of his personal flaws enabled by an undisciplined and permissive industry.

With its shady side and capacity for bad behavior, the rag trade has always made a great movie subject: the clothes provide the visual dazzle while the volatile trade of it all provides the drama. The Macdonalds film is the latest in a recent series of good fashion documentaries: Ian Bonhte and Peter Ettedguis delightful McQueen tells the decidedly more tragic story of Alexander McQueen, the industry's ill-fated enfant terrible, with a formal flamboyance well suited to his extravagant aesthetic and a humane consideration of his demons. Frédéric Tchengs Dior and me isn't as laden with pathos in its dramatic overview of designer Raf Simons' first season for the venerable French fashion house, but is compelling in its details of the creative process. The same filmmaker also directed Halstonan astute but compulsive portrait of the disco-era American designer, who went from ubiquitous trendsetter to sellout by the time of his AIDS-related death in 1990.

The French have a curious habit of making biopics of their most famous fashion icons in near-simultaneous pairs: in 2009 we had two Coco Chanel dramas, with the businessman directed by Audrey Tautou. Coco before Chanel focused more on the work of the subject than on fanciful and sumptuously romantic imagination Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky, starring a smoldering Mads Mikkelsen as Chanel's equally famous alleged lover. Five years later, it happened again. With a César-winning lead performance by Pierre Niney, Yves Saint Laurent gave a competent overview of the careers of queer innovators and their key relationships, but a few months later it was Bertrand Bonello who was brighter, more in-depth. Saint Laurent which captured her wild sensual energy. So it's strange that it's not available to stream in the UK, although it's worth buying a DVD. In all four films, there is a respect for the clothes themselves that one would expect from French filmmakers. Certainly, Ridley Scott didn't seem to care much about the couture aspect of his rather grizzled biopic. Gucci House; it’s the murderous melodrama behind the label that the film revels in.

Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep in the perennial favorite The Devil Wears Prada. Photography: Maximum Film/Alamy

It's a difficult industry to satirize. A lasting pleasure for the public, The devil wears Prada does not exaggerate the cruelties of the fashion magazine world, but astutely denounces its noble heroine on her contempt above all for the industry as a whole, at least before she sentimentally tries to have it both ways. Despite a stunning all-star cast, Robert Altman is frantically busy but surprisingly leaden. Prt--To carry couldn't beat the company at its own wacky game, but the removal of Ben Stiller's adorably awkward male model Zoolander I found the right balance between willful stupidity and recognizable truth. In contrast, the brightly colored musical comedy composed by Gershwin Funny head offers pure, delicious wish-fulfillment fantasy in its portrait of high-fashion modeling, beginning with Audrey Hepburn's scandalous initial positioning as a bookish scoundrel.

Underrated: The Neon Demon, with Elle Fanning. Photo: Allstar

Nicolas Winding Refns underrated The neon demon cleverly took the extremes of modeling and its physical demands as the premise for some truly grotesque body horror. A very different horror film, Olivier Assayass Personal buyer used the cool, aloof nature of the celebrity styling industry as the perfect backdrop for a chillingly chic ghost story, clothes allowing Kristen Stewart's haunted heroine an occasional out-of-body escape. Meanwhile, Disney's prequel Cruel gave the evil skin poacher a relevant backstory by making her an expert in vampy fashion: it's not dark enough, but the dresses are fabulous.

For pure divadom, she can hardly outdo Daniel Day-Lewiss, a hilarious and sought-after mid-century London fashion designer, in Paul Thomas Anderson's offbeat romantic drama. Ghost wire, one of the great films about the muse-artist battle. Diana Ross's private vehicle from 1975 Mahoganymeanwhile, proves just how difficult it is to make a fashion designer a purely likeable protagonist: Ross's eponymous heroine struts, prances, and cries her way to the top, but we don't have to eyes only for her incredible caftans.

All titles are widely available for rental or purchase unless otherwise noted.

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