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Irina Shayk embraces the no-pants trend in a belted blazer for the H&M & Rokh launch in London

Irina Shayk embraces the no-pants trend in a belted blazer for the H&M & Rokh launch in London


Irina Shayk was in her element on Tuesday, once again stealing the show at a fashion show. Strutting her stuff at the H&M x Rokh launch event at Dover Street Market in London, the catwalk queen showed off her enviable legs and embraced the 'no pants' trend with an oversized blazer courtesy of Rokh H&M.

She cinched the look at the waist with a dazzling silver-studded belt, teamed with white socks and Maison Margiela Tabi split-toe block-heel leather Mary-Janes to keep the party going. To add some bling, she adorned herself with a diamond choker and earrings, then topped it all off with a glossy red lip, subtle smoky eyes and her signature slicked-back brunette locks.

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Irina Shayk wears the hm rokh collection

Dave Bennett/H&M/rokh

Irina Shayk embraces the no-pants trend in a chic blazer

The proud mother of one posed alongside other stars at the event, rubbing shoulders with the likes of The Bridgerton Chronicles heartthrob Jonathan Bailey and the ever-charismatic actress Awkwafina, among others.

Covering everything from women's and men's fashion to accessories, the Rokh x H&M collection is officially available in selected stores and is now available online.

When the Russian is not busy with fashion commitments, she is often seen strolling the streets of New York, accompanying her six-year-old daughter to school. Elle UK asked her about her style before the event and how it has changed since becoming a mom.

Irina Shayk attends the launch of HM Rokh

Dave Bennett/H&M/rokh

Irina Shayk talks about her style after becoming a mother

“My style hasn’t changed drastically,” she revealed. “I like to wear comfortable clothes and I think being a mother opens up a new dimension of fashion for any woman.” Irina co-parents her daughter with actor Bradley Cooper.

She loves easy outfits that she can change from day to night, which often include a “simple black dress that you can wear from day to night with a change of shoes,” says the currently linked 38-year-old. romantically with Tom Brady.

As for the event, she said: “I like the fact that H&M is supporting an emerging brand. It's a great idea to highlight new creators and introduce them to a wider audience. I particularly like a black jacket/dress that you can wear with the pants from the collection or as a dress. It's a reversible cut, really versatile and cool.”




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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