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Navy heavyweight crew prepares for three-team event in Syracuse

Navy heavyweight crew prepares for three-team event in Syracuse


ANNAPOLIS, Md. – The No. 11 Navy heavyweight rowing team will turn its attention back to Eastern Sprints League action this Saturday morning with a three-team contest at Onondaga Lake, home of the No. 7 Syracuse Orange . The Mids (4-1) and Orange (2-1) will be joined in the race for the Goes Trophy and StaggTeam Points Cup by the Cornell Big Red (0-1), who enter the weekend ranked 14th in the country . The five-race slate that begins at 8 a.m. is scheduled to be broadcast by Syracuse on ACC Network Extra and ESPN Plus.

ESPN+ is a subscription streaming service that requires customers to sign up for monthly or annual plans before entering the contest.

The competition will proceed in an orderly fashion with the top eight varsity crews kicking off the action at 8 a.m. and the winner will take home the Goes Trophy. The second (8:20 a.m.), third (8:40 a.m.) and fourth (9:00 a.m.) varsity eight crews will race in 20-minute intervals with a fifth varsity four race concluding the competition at 9:20 a.m.

Most recent Navy-Cornell-Syracuse game: April 15, 2023

The Navy heavyweight rowing program had a strong day of racing April 15 in Central New York. Facing No. 4 Syracuse Orange and No. 12 Cornell Big Red in a six-race slate at Cayuga Inlet, the Mids recorded two wins and three other runner-up finishes. The victories of the Navy's fourth and fifth varsity crews highlighted the action.

The top eight varsity teams took center stage with the Goes Cup on the line. The Orange were challenged from the start, but quickly pulled away to clear the field by 9.5 seconds with a final time of 5:33 ,8. The Mids and Big Red were in a hotly contested two-boat race for second place. Throughout the streak, Cornell held on by a margin of 0.7 seconds ahead of Navy, 5:43.3 to 5:44.0.

What is at stake
Go Trophy

Dating from 1955 and awarded to the winner of the college heavyweight race between Navy, Cornell and Syracuse, the trophy was created by Clifford “Tip” Goes (Syracuse – 1914) to honor Jim Ten Eyck of Syracuse, Charles Courtney of Cornell and Richard. Glendon of the Navy. All-time, Navy holds a slim advantage with 27 wins compared to Cornell's 25 and Syracuse's 14.

Stagg Cup

The Stagg Cup is featured on whoever scores the most points in the combined action between the V8, 2V8 and 3V8 boats.

Last Time Out – Occoquan Collegiate Invitational, April 14

The No. 12 Navy heavyweight rowing team put in a strong program-wide effort Sunday as the Mids' top five boats all won twice in two racing sessions at the Occoquan Collegiate Invitational . Racing on a 2,000-yard stretch of Occoquan Reservoir, Navy posted a perfect 10 out of 10 in action against a national field that had five ranked members and two other votes received among the nine competing Sunday.

The first varsity eight crew was fast throughout the day as they opened the competition with an 8.63-second victory over R/V Jacksonville, 5:55.26 to 6:03.89. The Mids shaved nearly 10 seconds off their initial effort in the afternoon grand finale which featured the four winners from the morning heat races. Navy held off No. 19 Drexel's better shot to win the event final by 2.8 seconds, 5:45.51 to 5:48.31. No. 17 Georgetown and No. 22 Holy Cross rounded out the grand finalists with times of 5:50.67 and 6:54.04, respectively.

Information for spectators
The address of Ten Eyck Boathouse is 3820 Long Branch Road, Liverpool, NY 13090

Spectators are encouraged to park in the main parking lot off Long Branch Road as soon as you turn onto Ten Eyck Dr.
Fans are encouraged to park on paved surfaces only. Do not park on grass as the ground is soft and cars will get stuck.
For spectators wishing to watch the race from the finish line, park at the dog park at 49 Cold Springs Trail in Liverpool, New York, and follow the road further into Onondaga Lake Park and the finish line will be located just before John Glenn Blvd. bridge.

Race calendar

8:00 a.m. – Premier Varsity Eight (Goes Trophy)
8:20 a.m. – Second University Eight
8:40 a.m. – Third University Eight
9:00 a.m. – Fourth University Eight
9:20 a.m. – Fifth University Four




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