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Company develops innovative magnetic train that can operate on existing infrastructure: 'Easy to use technology'

Company develops innovative magnetic train that can operate on existing infrastructure: 'Easy to use technology'


Italy's IronLev has developed magnetic trains that operate on existing railway tracks. These are some of the exciting advances in the world of maglev that can reduce costs, noise and air pollution.

A video clip of the technology in action, part of a recent test, shows a trapezoidal one-tonne vehicle traveling on a rural railway. The test took place about 1.9 miles outside Venice and reached speeds of 43 miles per hour, Reuters reported.

It uses the physics of magnetism to create lift, push, and pull. The secret is that a cushion of air is created between the vehicle and the truck, allowing it to run smoothly and quietly. Reuters noted that part of the slipperiness is reduced friction and resulting maintenance costs.

Adriano Girotto, Chairman of IronLev, said: “Some of our competitors have conducted tests on specific tracks built to accommodate maglev vehicles. We've proven that we can do it.” You can imagine that this makes it an easy technology to use.

Hydrogen, electric, and other forms of maglev technology are being developed or used around the world. The Shanghai Maglev takes people to nearby airports on specially designed rails that reach speeds of 197 miles per hour.

IronLev can integrate with your existing infrastructure, significantly reducing deployment costs. The company's website states that its invention could be used in architecture, industrial environments, and even elevators.

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Moving people and freight by rail is one of the cleaner options in the toolbox for rebuilding transportation systems, especially when locomotives don't burn fossil fuels. The Association of American Railroads reports that freight railroads contribute 0.5% of the nation's overall air pollution and 1.7% of the nation's transportation-related dirty air. Magnets have the power to completely remove harmful exhaust gases.

If IronLev's innovation spreads outside Italy, local trains could become even smoother, quieter, and healthier. This is big news for public transport in smoggy city centres.

By using public transportation even a quarter of the time, you can save hundreds of dollars a year in fuel costs and prevent about 2,000 pounds of air pollution each year. Pollution has been linked to stroke, dementia, and other illnesses, so improving air quality can improve health outcomes.

In the case of IronLev, the technology is already being used to move elevators and move loads in industrial work areas, according to Reuters. Next, the company plans to build a 20-ton trolley that can travel at 194 miles per hour.

At least according to the hype video, this is just the beginning of an ambitious journey for the company.

“Nothing is the same,” the narrator proudly says in the clip.

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