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Seventh annual Chinese costume festival fuses Hanfu tradition with contemporary fashion

Seventh annual Chinese costume festival fuses Hanfu tradition with contemporary fashion


Seventh annual Chinese costume festival fuses Hanfu tradition with contemporary fashion

HANGZHOU, China, April 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — From April 20 to 21, 2024, the National Silk Museum of China hosted the seventh annual Chinese Costume Festival, themed “Ancient Charm, Modern Style.” This event aimed to rejuvenate traditional cultural practices and artifacts, making them resonate with contemporary audiences and ensuring their relevance in today's society.

Since its inception in 2018, the festival has become a highlight for culture lovers, blending historical depth with modern flair over its two days. This year's event was structured around two main segments: “Old Charm” and “Modern Style.” Attendees were able to take part in exhibition hall tours, thematic lectures and artifact appreciation sessions focused on two flagship exhibitions: the “Costume of Official Fengxian Textiles Found in Ming Dynasty Tombs” and the “Ritual Utensils: Musical Instruments and Costumes of the Kong (Confucius). Family Mansion,” both highlighting traditional etiquette and artifact research. Chinese and foreign researchers were also invited to discuss the latest research findings in their fields.

The festival stage was vibrant with attendees dressed in exquisite Hanfu, traditional Chinese attire, showcasing its timeless elegance and grace. This year, several new activities were introduced, including an immersive “Silk Road Adventure” game, in which participants embarked on a fantastical journey alongside NPCs. Additionally, a “fashion red carpet” allowed attendees to strut in elegant Hanfu, sharing its beauty with like-minded enthusiasts.

Seventh annual Chinese costume festival fuses Hanfu tradition with contemporary fashion

The event also included Hanfu Night and Yinhan Forum, focusing on the modernization of Hanfu clothing. Renowned Hanfu teams presented fashion shows under the theme “Ancient Charm, Modern Style”, fusing traditional designs with contemporary fashion to explore the unlimited potential of Hanfu culture. The festival also included a craft market, a flash dance called “Ascending the Spring Peak,” book launches and many other complementary activities.

This year, the Chinese Costume Festival collaborated with Marburg and Düsseldorf in Germany for a multi-city initiative. On April 13-14 and April 20-21, Hanfu enthusiasts from various regions of Germany participated in a multifaceted exhibition of traditional Chinese culture through seminars, exhibitions, tea ceremonies and meetings. Guqin exchange.

On Hanfu Night, JiXiaofen, director of the National Silk Museum of China, advocated for a blend of tradition and modern elegance in Hanfu clothing. She emphasized that Hanfu not only captures the artistic essence of China's exceptional traditional culture, but also reflects the unique aesthetic sensibilities and national character of the Chinese people. In a world where lifestyles are evolving, she sees a new “fashion revolution” offering many possibilities for how Hanfu can be worn, styled and expressed.

The Chinese Costume Festival was broadcast live on major national platforms, attracting more than 3.3 million viewers by the event's conclusion on April 21.

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SOURCE National Silk Museum of China




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