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Donna Summer's disco style on display at the MFA

Donna Summer's disco style on display at the MFA


An exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, entitled Get dressed, explores how jewelry and fashion can be powerful vehicles for self-expression. As visitors admire the dozens of historic pieces on display, they'll discover some sparkling clothing worn by the Boston-born queen of disco.

Donna Summer performs on stage on February 20, 1979 in Los Angeles, California.  (Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)
Donna Summer performs on stage on February 20, 1979 in Los Angeles, California. (Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

The exhibit gallery is filled with lanky, glamorously decorated mannequins, but MFA curator Theo Tyson was particularly happy to introduce one who wore a shimmering beige dress adorned with red sequins.

Donna Summer wearing the Valentino dress at Art on Ice in 2011. (Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston/Nadin Vernon)
Donna Summer wearing the Valentino dress at Art on Ice in 2011. (Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston/Nadin Vernon)

It's one of my absolute favorites even though I know you're not supposed to have favorites on a show like this, Tyson said. But it comes from Donna Summer's collection. It's a pre-fall 2010 Valentino, and what's really special is that she wore it to a performance of Art on ice in Switzerland in 2011.

Art on Ice is an annual star-studded figure skating gala. While researching the history of the dress, Tyson found images and a photo from the event that helped confirm this key part of her story.

As for the design of the dress, it is tea length and its trapeze shape is fitted at the waist. A mass of crimson sequins covers the bodice, then falls in drifts – almost like snowflakes – down the tulle skirt. Tyson hopes visitors will imagine his sparkling trims brushing Summer's calves as she performed on stage in Switzerland. As she moved and danced, these pools of red glitter floated and played in the light,” Tyson said.

The dress also features new customization. Tyson said the exhibit's design team ensured its display would give visitors a clear view of the small microphone pouch sewn into its back.

The curator spotted the Summers garment at Christies auction house and recalled recognizing its potential for future exhibitions. The museum acquired the dress along with two others and two pairs of her shoes in October 2023.

We're at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and Donna Summer is a Boston girl, Tyson said. Mission Hill is literally a stone's throw from the museum, and it is our privilege and honor to be able to invite this heritage into the museum by adding these pieces to our collection.

The pouch on the back of a Valentino-designed cocktail dress customized for Donna Summer to hold a microphone for her performance at the Art on Ice show at the Hallenstadion in Zurich, Switzerland.  (Jesse Costa/WBUR)
The pouch on the back of a Valentino-designed cocktail dress customized for Donna Summer to hold a microphone for her performance at the Art on Ice show at the Hallenstadion in Zurich, Switzerland. (Jesse Costa/WBUR)

Summer is Born LaDonna Adrian Gaineson December 31, 1948. She gained international fame during the height of the disco era in the 1970s. Tyson is now thrilled that Summers dresses will help the museum share this story of cultural icons.

I'm not going to start quoting her songs, but she worked hard, the curator said admiringly. She worked very, very hard to live her dream and love her family. She worked hard to come from Mission Hill which she had to leave, but was then able to return in 1983 and graduate from high school. She worked hard, not just for the money, but also for her joy and for all of us. She shared it exponentially.

Theo Tyson, MFA curator.  (Jesse Costa/WBUR)
Theo Tyson, MFA curator. (Jesse Costa/WBUR)

Summer donned the beige Valentino a year before she died of lung cancer in 2012. For Tyson, the dress embodies the pioneer's expansive spirit and profound impact on music. You can see Donna Summer's influence on every pop diva's performances today. »

Conservatives' favorite summer song is his 1975 hit, Love to Love You Baby. But recently, while flipping through some vinyl records at home, Tyson rediscovered another classic. I remember listening to Bad Girls growing up, so I hope we also introduce her to a whole new generation of fashion lovers, music lovers, lovers of humanity and life as it used to be.

Leather shoes designed by Manolo Blahnik in 2006 and worn by Donna Summer are part of the collection of works in the Dress Up exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.  (Jesse Costa/WBUR)
Leather shoes designed by Manolo Blahnik in 2006 and worn by Donna Summer are part of the collection of works in the “Dress Up” exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. (Jesse Costa/WBUR)

The exhibition features another dress from the Summers collection, a gold maxi dress and a pair of silver, bejeweled Manolo Blahnik shoes. Tyson also hopes to know when and where the queen of disco wore them.

“The fact that she's a Bostonian will hopefully prompt some people to do their own research,” Tyson said. “So maybe one day I'll get a phone call or an email from someone who remembers to have seen her perform in that dress or those shoes. That's one of the amazing things about not only acquiring something like that, but being able to show it off.

Get dressed” is on view at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston until September 2.

This segment aired on May 8, 2024.




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