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Kendall Jenner cheated on Kourtney's wedding dress at the Met Gala after-party

Kendall Jenner cheated on Kourtney's wedding dress at the Met Gala after-party


Last night at the Met Gala, the museum steps were transformed into a lush garden, with nearly everyone in attendance leaning into the Garden of Time dress code. The carpet was awash with flowers, vegetation, and all the creatures that dwell among them. Kendall Jenner, however, decided to embody the theme of the Costume Exhibits 20204 instead.

Leaning heavily on the concept of Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion, she wore an archive number that looked straight out of medieval times (perfectly embodying the The Sleeping Beauty atmosphere). A few hours later, however, it transformed into another ensemble inspired by the newly launched exhibition.

Unlike her 14th century-inspired red carpet gowns, Jenners post-party look was reminiscent of a fashion moment that's actually much closer to home within her own family.

Kendalls wedding mini dress

To attend a post-Met event hosted by Emily Ratajkowski, Jenner ditched her medieval aesthetic. Instead, she went to the opposite end of the spectrum, debuting several ethereal white looks.

Her first was an Andreas Kronthaler design for Vivienne Westwood, which featured an ecru zipped bustier worn over a matching mini skirt. The beige bases were covered in a decadent lace overlay in bridal white.

Kendall Jenner is seen in Tribeca on May 7, 2024 in New York.

Gotham/GC Images/Getty Images

Between the corset, micro hemline and luxurious lace, the dress was noticeably reminiscent of her sister Kourtney Kardashian's wedding dress. The eldest Kardashian wore a similar look during her Italian nuptials to Travis Barker in May 2022.

Kourtney Kardashian marries Travis Barker in Italy.


Kendalls, angelic second look

Jenner didn't stop at two murders Monday night. She wore a third ensemble to the after-party, and it was totally stunning. The dress, another all-white style, featured a flowing satin skirt with a high-low hem and a sculptural bodice resembling feathered angel wings.

Kendall Jenner is seen in Tribeca on May 7, 2024 in New York.

Gotham/GC Images/Getty Images

The masterpiece was the Alexander McQueen archive for Givenchy. Unearthed from the Spring/Summer 1997 collection, it could easily have been among the must-haves in the hallowed halls of the Met Museums.




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