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Futureverse to host Reebok Impact fashion experience on Instagram

Futureverse to host Reebok Impact fashion experience on Instagram


Sports culture brand Reebok announced the launch of ReebokImpact, a personalized AI fashion experience on Instagram in partnership with Futureverse.

ReebokImpact aims to push the boundaries of sneaker culture by putting new technologies in the hands of everyday consumers, enabling the creation of personalized, AI-infused digital sneakers.

Sneaker fans around the world can immortalize their photo memories in the form of a digital Reebok sneaker by sending it via Instagram DM to@reebokimpact.

In a real-time chat, Futureverses AI will create a custom sneaker in the colors and style of the image. Users can choose between the iconic ReebokPump, Classic or Club C models and personalize the digital sneaker with AI-generated artwork. From the soul to the sole, the original memory photo will be stored in the sole of the sneaker, representing the impact of memory on the soul.

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We are excited to announce the launch of ReebokImpact, which marks a significant milestone in our commitment to innovation and technology. We are excited to partner with Futureverse to explore new, engaging ways to bring our brand philosophy to a wider audience. Through ReebokImpact, we look forward to revolutionizing the digital fashion landscape and providing our customers with a unique and immersive experience, said Todd Krinsky, CEO of Reebok, in a statement.

The experience is free for up to 10 digital sneaker creations that you can share or purchase as game-ready files, compatible with Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN), Roblox and will be interoperable with many upcoming virtual experiences , including the upcoming triple-A massively multiplayer online gameOpenof the creators of the novel and the film Ready Player One., Ernest Cline's bestselling sci-fi nostalgia mash-up book.

We couldn't be more proud to present this first experience as part of our long-term partnership with Reebok, said Shara Senderoff and Aaron McDonald, co-founders of Futureverse, in a statement. Together, we pushed the boundaries of personal expression by depicting life through imitation of art.Andart imitating life. Leveraging AI creates an easy-to-navigate user experience that meets sneaker fans where they are. The future of fashion is here and it's just the beginning.

As the popularity of wearable avatars continues to grow, Reebok and Futureverse have created an innovative roadmap to further bridge the virtual and physical worlds. In addition to designing a commemorative digital sneaker, users can experience an IRL sneaker purchase incentive within ReebokImpact.

ReebokImpact is the first launch from Futureverse and Reebok, who announced their partnership last year with the aim of creating innovative artificial intelligence, Web3, blockchain-based games and metaverse experiences for consumers, expanding interactions of products in the Reebok ecosystem.




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