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Avant-garde: a look at the main style trends



Highlighter hues have crept onto international runways in recent years, but this season's selection, from a sheer tangy green dress in Valentino to a magenta molded cyborg Tom Fords crop top, seems to be designed to guarantee that you will stop traffic. In Jacquemus, whose fashion show took place in the middle of an idyllic Provencal lavender field in France, a fuchsia catwalk that stretched as far as the eye could see was offset by soft tangerine lace and coral knitwear that has seduced even the most demanding minimalists. The green pieces, from apple to lime to mint, are a good place to start.

Jacquemus La Robe Saudade – Gathered canvas mini dress, US $ 640 up to


The 1970s may seem like too common a point of inspiration for designers, but this time it's the decades that suit (think Annie Hall meets Yves Saint Laurents Le Smoking) which pays homage to the feminist dressing room of its second wave. The three-piece suits had the greatest impact and were complemented with point-collar shirts at Louis Vuitton, ruffle blouses at Céline and vests everywhere else. A more flexible approach included Bermuda shorts at Givenchy, Chlo and Bottega Veneta. If you feel like the look from head to toe is a little too much, dip your toe into the trend by adding a cardigan to your closet and wear it with everything from jeans to shorts.

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Striped blazer Maggie Marilyn, $ 1,125, striped cotton pants, $ 535, at Hudsons Bay.


What is in it has come out, at least with regard to the generally hidden elements of our wardrobes. Lingerie seemed to appear everywhere this season, and before grabbing your pearls, rest assured, there are several ways to adopt this trend, from a subtle garter belt on display at Helmut Lang to a skirt and a matching bra top at Maryam Nassir Zadeh. All ends of the sex appeal spectrum were exposed to Mugler, from a subtle blazer hanging on the hook to a parade of pure materials. If you are interested in taking this path and you don't have an evening dress in your wardrobe yet, this is a good place to start.

Beaufille slip dress, AUD $ 720 through


Durability has been a major concern for many in recent times, and while it certainly cannot be reduced to a seasonal trend, handmade aesthetics figured prominently in many spring collections through recycled details, natural materials and a focus on crafts. At Alexander McQueen, designer Sarah Burton has reused lace, organza and tulle from collections previously designed by her and McQueen himself. Home crochet numbers were everywhere, from a delicate cape woven at Loewe to a multicolored dress on the floor at Marni. Meanwhile, the woven raffia bags have received high gloss treatment at Prada, Fendi and Gucci.

Cult Gaia Banu woven raffia fringed clutch, $ 275


Mini bags may have hit the headlines last season, but the larger bags look better than ever at the moment. Often worn on the body, giant bags were shown everywhere from Herms, where the options were made in silk, in Nanushka, where the tote bags were in gathered vegan leather. Bottega Veneta has woven buttered leather in a larger than life hobo style. While a small purse can barely fit your mobile phone, these oversized tote bags allow you to take all the mundane possessions you may need throughout the day .

Bottega Veneta Large Veneta Intrecciatio Leather Shoulder Bag, US $ 2,425

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It will come as no surprise to anyone with an Instagram account that the 1990s are a major cultural influence in 2020. In footwear, this means the return of the polarizing square toe. Beloved for its sturdiness, but despised essentially for the same reason, the silhouette trumps everything that has a point in the world of shoes. During the parades, they made a strangely fresh interpretation of the calf-height boots at Balenciaga, while appearing with unique elegance on heeled shoes at Proenza Schouler. Channel checkered shoe fan, Gender and cities Carrie Bradshaw, and give your toes some respite this season.

Denton cream leather boot, $ 228 at The Interval.


Monochrome men's clothes are fashionable, and no, a closet full of Bay Street navy blues doesn't count. We were talking about soft and neutral pastels, which gives this approach to sewing a refined, even delicate, refreshment. Balmain used baby pink satin to soften its square cuts, while Acne Studios showed sky blue looks from head to toe. Givenchy began its range with a spacious three-piece suit incorporating a long jacket in blue and lavender two-tone granite silk. Meanwhile, the elegance of Christian Diors' golden era has been reworked in the men's label collection, with designer Kim Jones draping a shaded belt over a gray silk jacket.

Blazer, $ 290, pants, $ 150 to COS.


When we imagine how the artistic prints of this season were made, the image that comes to my mind is that of Jackson Pollack who goes on a canvas with his brush in a studio full of projections. Paint treatments were plentiful, including acid wash stains on red denim from head to toe at Stella McCartney and drops of watercolor on a silk top in Berlutti. In Rochas, a pair of utility pants splattered with paint gave the impression that the model had come straight from the side bustle of his house.

Helmut Lang standard hoodie with paint splatter, US $ 265 at


The concept of the murse has evolved from an anomaly to a clothing staple in the wardrobe of modern man. At Herms, a streamlined bum bag was carried by hand. Diors 'famous saddle styles, created in collaboration with artist Daniel Arsham to pay homage to designer Dior John Gallianos' iconic old newspaper motif, were worn across the body. Even Banana Republic offers a hybrid messenger / bum bag.

Jelly shoulder bag / fanny pack, $ 74 at Banana republic.


The models unbuttoned their shirts on the left, right and center for labels such as Saint Laurent and Ami, while those of Louis Vuitton were dressed in completely transparent tops. The style evoked memories of the ubiquitous V-neck T-shirts of American Apparel from the mid-2000s, but there is a way to wear the trend without looking too big. A convertible collar shirt opens a little deeper than a classic button without diving lower than you want.

Kenzo short sleeve shirt, $ 325 at Holt Renfrew.

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