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Additional security withdrawn from federal ministers following directives from the Prime Minister


A security detail of an official can be seen. File photoSecurity personnel recalled from the security of AN President Asad Qaiser, Vice President Qasim Suri, and a few other federal ministers.The security of Senate Speaker Sadiq Sanjrani will remain intact.After the withdrawal of the security, the federal ministers left with two police officers.

Islamabad’s Cabinet Division and Police withdrew additional security measures from federal ministers, Geo News informed on Sunday, days after Prime Minister Imran Khan vowed to cut down on ministers’ security details.

Security personnel have been removed from the security details of National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser, AN Vice President Qasim Suri and five federal ministers, sources said.

Sources said federal ministers will now only have two security guards for their protocol. Three out of five security officials were removed from the aforementioned security services.

However, the security details of Senate Speaker Sadiq Sanjrani will remain unchanged.

Federal Human Rights Minister Dr Shireen Mazari and Defense Minister Pervez Khattak are among several ministers whose number of security details have been reduced, sources added.

On June 6, Information and Broadcasting Minister Fawad Chaudhry said during a federal cabinet meeting Prime Minister Imran Khan received a report that many government officials were benefiting from more protocol as needed.

In this regard, the prime minister called on all government officials to reduce the use of protocol privileges, he said.

“Will not go to any private function with protocol”

In a bid to save taxpayers’ money and spare the public the hassle of protocol and security that comes with a head of state, Prime Minister Imran Khan announced last week that he would end this practice when he goes to any private function.

“To save taxpayers’ money and avoid inconvenience to the public, I will not attend any private function with protocol and security,” the Prime Minister wrote in a message on Twitter.

He said he was also reviewing protocol and security given to PTI ministers, governors and chief ministers to determine a way to minimize spending and end public inconvenience.

The prime minister said a comprehensive policy on this will be decided at next week’s cabinet meeting.

“We will end the colonial legacy of pomp and glory used to overwhelm the people,” he pledged.

Prime Minister Imran Khan has repeatedly spoken out against the “VIP culture” prevalent in the country.

In 2018, shortly before taking the oath of office as Prime Minister, Imran Khan expressed his displeasure with the official protocol given to him during a trip from Bani Gala to a private hotel in Islamabad.

The head of the PTI remarked: I was given the official protocol [while coming here today] the country cannot be run like this. “

In his first speech to the nation after becoming Prime Minister, he insisted on cutting public spending. As part of the cost reduction initiative, he announced the auction of surplus vehicles from PM House.

As part of the austerity campaign, 102 vehicles were put up for sale, of which, according to the government, 61 were sold off.

In May, the prime minister defied all norms and visited several neighborhoods in Islamabad without any protocol. He was accompanied by the President of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) Aamir Ahmed Ali.

Then, again in June, a video of the Prime Minister at the wheel, circulating in the various districts of the capital was shared by Senator Faisal Javed.




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