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Two years of leadership Joko Widodo – KH. Maaruf Amin, This is what the President General of PP GMKI said –

Jakarta GMKI central leadership responds to nation and state situation under the two-year leadership of President Joko Widodo and Vice President KH. Maaruf Amin.

We appreciate the performance of the government, in particular the management of Covid 19 which has been successfully monitored so far and the high level of public awareness to participate in vaccination activities.

Then the government also succeeded in controlling the economy so that it could grow up to 7.07% in the second quarter of 2021.

However, there are critical notes in the area of ​​corruption eradication, law enforcement, improving the quality of education and democracy, said the general chairman of PP GMKI, Jefri Gultom.

GMKI estimates that there have been five red reports in the two years of leadership of President Joko Widodo and Vice President KH. Maaruf Amin

First, although the economy is growing, the number of poor and unemployed will also increase in 2020 – 2021. According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the poverty rate from March 2020 to March 2021 increased by 1.12 million people. In the same year, the unemployment rate rose to 1.82 million people. This certainly does not match the high enough economic growth of 7.07%.

The increase in poverty and unemployment rates is due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The national economic stimulus package is not well targeted and its implementation poses problems and risks damaging government finances.

The implementation of the pre-employment card is considered problematic as the KPK has only found a small part of the targeted workers affected by COVID-19. In addition, the digital platform is in conflict of interest with training providers such as Ruang Guru, who belongs to President Joko Widodo’s special staff. In addition, the welfare corruption led by the Minister of Social Affairs is the theft of people’s rights in the era of the pandemic.

The law on job creation, which was passed in 2020, has contributed to the worsening of the labor situation as it only underlines the ease of investment for entrepreneurs. In the visions and missions of Joko widodo-Maaruf Amin in 2019 focusing on labor reform but on the fact that unemployment is increasing.

Second, the eradication of corruption is getting worse.
Corruption continues until 2020, there are 1,298 defendants in corruption cases which bring state losses to 56.7 trillion. The president said he was determined to create a clean government and help eradicate corruption.

But in fact, two Indonesian cabinet ministers Onward were arrested by the KPK and tarnished the face of the government.
There is no seriousness on the part of the government in eradicating corruption. This emerges from the KPK employment status transfer policy for up to 57 people who are declared not to have passed the national insight test. This is in contradiction with the statement of President Joko Widodo who said that TWK should not be the basis for the dismissal of KPK employees. Thus, there are inconsistencies in the management of eradication and prevention of corruption.

Third, law enforcement.
The Indonesian law enforcement model has become a concern over the past 2 years, law enforcement is still selective and appears to be waiting for a response from the public. Law enforcement agencies who have not been separated from the corruption scheme have yet to complete the latest case and gain public attention, namely the case of the Pinangki prosecutor who received bribes. -vin of the fugitive Joko Tjandra to involve the senior officers of the headquarters of the national police. The prosecution of power aggressors has not had a deterrent effect, so it has been repeated over and over again, and law enforcement reform has not gone well.

Fourth, unequal education.
Indonesian education management has not undergone significant changes, online education policies are ineffective and discriminatory, there are still many areas that have not been able to access the Internet. In order for students in remote areas to have difficulty in the teaching and learning process, the curriculum is inconsistent and changes to cause noise. In the visions and missions of Joko Widodo-Maaruf Amin in 2019, there is a point to develop a reform of the education system, but until 2021 the education system is still discriminatory and unequal, it is a bad precedent for future generations.

Fifth, democracy.
Indonesia’s democratic climate over the past 2 years has seen a decline in the Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) according to a report by The Economist Intelligence Unit on February 3, 2021. In 2019, the IDI was 6.48 and in 2020 the low was 6.3 in the last 14 years. Two of the five assessment indicators saw a very drastic drop in freedom of expression and political culture by 20%. This decline is reflected in a number of democratic violations such as the arrest of activists, the dismantling of demonstrations, the repressive actions of the apparatus, until the silence of public opinion through the hacking of social networks.

PP GMKI Through General President Jefri Gultom, asked President Joko Widodo to assess the performance of his assistants who are far from the vision and mission of the President.

PP GMKI also expects the government to be more open to listening to public criticism because democracy guarantees freedom of expression and opinion. The democratic climate that has been defended since the reform period must be maintained and continually fought so that there are checks and balances.

We consider the last 2 years to be difficult years but still the responsibility of the government. Because people gave confidence and hope, said Jefri Gultom. (RED)




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