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China’s Xi Jinping meets PLA troops linked to Ladakh clash during Xinjiang tour

China’s Xi Jinping meets PLA troops linked to Ladakh clash during Xinjiang tour



Xinjiang, first published July 16, 2022, 7:01 PM IST

In a rare visit this week to the restrictive Xinjiang region, which borders Ladakh, Chinese President Xi Jinping met the soldiers and officers stationed there and thanked them for their “outstanding contributions” to stabilizing the province and the defense of borders.

Xi met with representatives of officers and troops stationed in Xinjiang in the provincial capital of Urumqi on Friday. Xi is the head of the Central Military Commission (CMC), the overall high command of the Chinese military.

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Xi sent greetings to all commanders and soldiers of the troops stationed in the province during his July 12-15 visit there, where his government is widely accused of oppressing ethnic minorities who are mainly Muslims. He also fully affirmed the “outstanding contributions” of the troops stationed there, according to the official Xinhua news agency.

Photos in state media revealed that Qi Fabao, the commander of the PLA regiment who was injured in the June 2020 clash in Galwan in eastern Ladakh, was also present at the meeting in addition to the top brass of the PLA’s Western Theater Command. , which manages the 3,488 km LAC between India and China. For having defended the frontier, he was later recognized with the title of “commander of a regiment of heroes”.

President Xi stressed the need to put into practice the Communist Party’s idea of ​​strengthening the military in the new era, implement the strategic military policy of the new era, and actively contribute to promoting social stability and peace. long-term stability in Xinjiang, according to official media reports. However, full details of his speech have not been made public.

Xi’s meeting with the troops is significant as the People’s Liberation Amy (PLA) Xinjiang Military Command oversees the Indo-China border in the Ladakh region amid a military standoff between the two sides since May 2020.

Besides, his meeting with Chinese troops in Xinjiang came ahead of the 16th round of military talks between India and China to be held on Sunday.

India has been pushing for a quick troop disengagement from all remaining sticking points in eastern Ladakh, insisting that peace and tranquility along the border are prerequisites for progress in bilateral relations global.

Twenty Indian soldiers were killed in the fierce fighting in the Galwan Valley on June 15, 2020, an incident which marked the most serious military conflict between the two sides. After a prolonged delay, China has acknowledged four casualties on its side.

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In Sunday’s new round of talks, the Indian side is expected to push for troop disengagement as soon as possible in all remaining sticking points, in addition to seeking resolution of issues in Depsang Bulge and Demchok.

Following a series of military and diplomatic talks, the two sides completed the disengagement process last year on the northern and southern shores of Pangong Lake and in the Gogra area. Each side currently has around 50,000 to 60,000 troops along the LAC in the sensitive mountainous sector.

(With PTI entries)

Last updated July 16, 2022 7:01 PM IST




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