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Inside the ring road; Donald Trump will counter the “harvest of ballots” of the Democrats with his own

Inside the ring road;  Donald Trump will counter the “harvest of ballots” of the Democrats with his own


Former President Donald Trump remains focused on winning the 2024 presidential election and his campaign appears to be in constant motion, as is his fundraising.

Here is Mr. Trump’s latest request to those who support him.

Radical Democrats used the ballot harvest to nullify your vote and walk away with an election they never should have won. But I am doing something huge to fight back, he advised in a voter education campaign published on Sunday.

Our presidential campaign will launch our own Ballot Harvesting Fund in states where the left has cheated the system. Please make a contribution to our brand new Ballot Collection Fund to collect ballots in states where we can and beat the Democrats at their own game for a 1,500% impact, the mailed request reads. electronic.


So which states allow ballot harvesting? Here’s a handy guide from, an evidence-based political resource.

Most states have laws allowing someone other than a voter to return the voter ballot. These laws vary by state. Mail-in ballots take the form of mail-in ballots and ballots dropped off in mail-in ballot states, the Wisconsin-based nonprofit research organization noted in a guide on the subject.

It says that as of May 2022, 25 states and Washington DC have allowed someone chosen by the voter to return an absentee ballot in most cases. In 11 other states, only other specified persons, for example, household members, caregivers and family members can return ballots,

Only one state, Alabama, explicitly states that only the voter can return a ballot, while 13 states did not specify whether someone can return another person’s ballot.


The evolution of the spy balloon affair has placed the nation’s largest state in an important global role. For the past few days, all eyes have been on Alaska, its airspace, the lingering mystery balloons and objects, and the jet fighters overhead.

Unlike other states, Alaska is truly on the front line. Due to our proximity to our neighbors, there is very little margin for error. Russian territory is only a few kilometers away. We are the only state closest to the Korean Peninsula and China. Alaska is truly on the front lines, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy, a Republican, said in a written statement.

This latest incident demonstrates that Alaska remains the most strategic location in the world for geopolitics and national defense, Dunleavy later added, calling his state’s military capability robust.


Members of the Democratic National Committee, with the backing of President Biden, recently stripped New Hampshire of its first primary status in the nation in presidential elections.

This does not appear to be a closed case at this time. This status is not uncontested by its Republican governor.

Were going first, whether the president liked it or not. And so it’s going to be a huge opportunity for anyone who wants to step up and challenge him, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu predicted Sunday in a wide conversation on CBS News’ Face the Nation program.

A news report on Friday suggests the state simply won’t comply with the DNC’s edict.

Republicans control the New Hampshire legislature; Republicans control the governorship. They have no interest in following the plan of the Democratic committees. Rather, they are interested in using it as a stick to hurt Democrats in the state. These changes will therefore not be made. And Democrats, it should be noted, want to keep their first in the national primary. And they said they were going to go ahead and do that no matter what the committee and President Biden push. So it’s a big mess. It’s going to be fascinating to watch unfold, said Adam Reilly, a reporter for WGBH, a Boston-based public radio station.


Meanwhile, there are notable demographic developments on Capitol Hill.

The 118th Congress is the most racially and ethnically diverse in history. Overall, 133 lawmakers identify as black, Hispanic, Asian American, Native American, Alaska Native or multiracial. Together, these lawmakers represent a quarter of Congress, including 28% of the House of Representatives and 12% of the Senate. By comparison, when the 79th Congress took office in 1945, nonwhite lawmakers made up just 1% of the House and Senate combined, reports a new Pew Research Center study released last week.

Despite this growing racial and ethnic diversity, Congress remains less diverse than the nation as a whole. Non-Hispanic white Americans make up 75% of the voting members of the new Congress, far more than their 59% share of the US population, according to the study.

The number of women in Congress is at an all-time high, there are 153 women in the national legislature, representing 28% of all members. The total includes six nonvoting House members who represent the District of Columbia and U.S. territories, four of whom are women.

In addition, there are 18 foreign-born lawmakers in the 118th Congress, including 17 in the House and one in the Senate, Senator Mazie Hirono, a Japanese-born Democrat from Hawaii.


59% of American adults say the current federal government in Washington has a negative impact on most people’s lives; 78% of Republicans, 65% of Independents and 38% of Democrats agree.

1% of American adults say the current government in Washington has a mixed impact on the lives of most people; 1% of Republicans, 1% of Independents and 3% of Democrats agree.

16% overall say the current government has had a positive impact on most people’s lives; 7% of Republicans, 14% of Independents and 26% of Democrats agree.

22% overall say the government in Washington has had little two-way impact on most people’s lives; 14% of Republicans, 19% of Independents and 30% of Democrats agree.

2% overall don’t know; 1% of Republicans, 2% of Independents and 2% of Democrats agree.

SOURCE: Monmouth University poll of 805 American adults conducted Jan. 26-30 and released Feb. 6.

Follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.




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