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Isaias kills 2 in the Dominican Republic; Save dozens in Puerto Rico


A man died when a high-voltage power line fell in the Dominican Republic, hundreds of thousands had no electricity or drinking water, a region in Puerto Rico that was badly affected by the recent earthquakes was flooded, and a driver who swept away his car from a bridge in Puerto Rico was still missing, and the Guard forces were rescued Patriot 35 people in Mayaguez.

Isaias, now a hurricane, left widespread damage throughout the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico before moving to Turks, Caicos and Bahamas on Friday.

One person was killed in the Dominican Republic when a high-voltage power line fell, according to Dominican Today. Civil defense officials said Chichi Pegero, 53, was killed when strong winds caused the line to fall in the city of Rio San Juan in the province of Maria Trinidad Sanchez, according to El Caribe.

A 5-year-old boy was killed when a tree fell and his house crushed in Altamira in Puerto Plata province, according to the Caribe newspaper.

The wind also destroyed two houses in the province.

(More: Hurricane Isaias will grow stronger in the Bahamas, approaching east coast of florida)

The rooftops of Puerta Plata on the northern side of the island were demolished, and the radio transmission tower fell and damaged houses near the city’s university, Caribe newspaper reported.

According to the Emergency Operations Center, more than 1,100 homes were damaged, according to El Caribe.

Isaias also brought floods to parts of the country that shared Hispaniola island with Haiti.

Floods reported that the floods occurred when rivers and watersheds cut 131 towns. More than 5,000 people were evacuated because of Isaias.

A video clip on social media showed that floodwaters poured into the streets of Hato Mayor on the eastern edge of the island.

The flooding from the Montenegro River cut off six communities in the province of San Jose de Okua, west of the capital, Santo Domingo.

The newspaper “Caribe” reported that the flood waters damaged at least 23 water channels, which led to the destruction of the water service for more than 335 thousand people. More than 72,000 customers lost electricity.

Before the storm reached, government workers used loudspeakers to warn residents to leave flood-prone areas.

Puerto Rico

Isaias, which struck the island as a tropical storm, toppled trees, flooded the streets and removed electricity for hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses.

According to the Associated Press, the National Guard has saved at least 35 people, including two newborn babies.

Small floods and landslides affected a large part of the island, but the most severe impacts were in the southern regions of the United States.

Primera Hora reported that approximately 400,000 customers remained without power on Friday morning. More than 150,000 customers do not have a water service. Officials told residents that when they restore water service, they must boil water for three minutes before using it.

Farmers and agricultural officials expect millions of damages to bananas, bananas and coffee crops on the island. Juan Miranda, owner of agriculture firms Miranda Torres of Orocovis, told Primera Hora that he had lost 10,000 banana plants. This year’s harvest was only his second harvest since Hurricane Maria destroyed its plants in 2017.

Primera Hora reported that the police in Rincon, on the western edge of the island, continued searching for a driver who was swept away by floodwaters while driving across a bridge. The driver was identified as Marisol Morales Ruiz, 56 years old. The car was recovered.

Around the island, falling trees and floods closed many roads.

Mayor Torres Ortiz told Elia Nuevo that the floods cut two paths leading to Yaaco in southwestern Puerto Rico.

On the southern coast of Guanica, the regions hit by a 6.4-magnitude earthquake on January 7 saw floods from torrential rains and storms, Primera Hora reported.

“In general, it is a very difficult situation because we are dealing with three cases at the same time,” Mayor of Ganica Santos Seda told the newspaper, listing the aftershocks that continue from the earthquake, the health crisis of the COVID-19 epidemic, and a storm.

Seda told the Associated Press that there were reports of trees and neighborhoods flooded. The region is still rocking daily with seismic activity.

“The emotional state of people is getting worse every day,” he said.

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A girl is affected by the damage caused by the flooding of the Magua River due to the heavy rains caused by Hurricane Isaias in Hato Mayor, northwest of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on July 31, 2020. (Erika Santelices / AFP via Getty Images)

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