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Explain propaganda. Interview with Putin: Macron, the troops in Ukraine and nuclear power

Explain propaganda.  Interview with Putin: Macron, the troops in Ukraine and nuclear power


Written by Matt Wickham, UCMC/HWAG Analyst

In a recent interview orchestrated as a prelude to the (re)elections, Putin engaged in a carefully choreographed spectacle with Dmitry Kiselev, a well-known propagandist infamous for his sensationalist stories. Kiselev's history of promoting scary scenarios, such as threatening the UK with a nuclear submarine launching a missile to create a kilometer-high radioactive wave, makes him an ideal partner for the efforts to narrative construction of Putin, particularly in the period leading up to the fake elections. In this analysis, we will dissect key moments from Putin's interview, analyzing and refuting their significance.

Every human life is precious. Any loss of a family member is a great pain[…]We came [to Ukraine] to help these people. If we forget these people, our future loss will be multiplied by many, and our children will have no future because we will be a country of the third or fourth kind. The consequences could be catastrophic.

– A classic distortion of history by Putin

Negotiations and guarantees

We are open to negotiations, but the time for goodwill is over. Putin continued to show his displeasure with Boris Johnson's visit to kyiv and reportedly convinced Ukrainian authorities to abandon what Putin considered rather successful negotiations. He now claims that everything has changed and future negotiations will take place based solely on the reality of the situation on the ground,” which implies that Russia has the upper hand and that Ukraine will once again have to bow to its demands.

He continues his pre-full-scale invasion rhetoric of playing the role of eternal victim, saying how poor Russia had been given so many promises, but these were not kept: l NATO was not expanding and that the Minsk agreements would be honored, offended by the way Merkel and Macron later said that no one had any intention of respecting the treaty, but claimed that on Russia's side, everything was legitimate. “They promised so much, but now their promises are no longer enough. We need a serious discussion about our guarantees,”Putin says this, without ever alluding to the reality of these guarantees.

There was more talk of negotiations last week (a path that Russia has artificially pushed), ostensibly to demonstrate its openness to diplomatic solutions and an end to suffering, which obviously fits well with the Pope's idea of ​​peace.

However, this path serves a dual purpose: allowing Russia to appear conciliatory while exploiting Western indecision and fear to influence American politicians on the issue of maintaining support for Ukraine. By raising alarm over the potential costs, volatility and suffering of continued war, Putin aims to pressure Western leaders to prioritize negotiations over military support for Ukraine. This tactic aims to consolidate Russia's gains since 2022, using the occupied territories as a springboard for further advances westward once its military complex is back on its feet, while exploiting Western divisions and uncertainties.

Moreover, Putin's victimizing rhetoric, lamenting Western leaders' broken promises regarding NATO expansion and the Minsk agreements, seeks to gain sympathy and legitimacy for Russia's defense war – a popular narrative among Tucker Carlson's Western supporters.

The end of French influence in Africa?

The conversation then turns to Macron, a hot topic in the Russia-Ukraine war, with Kiselev asking Putin if he thinks Macron has gone crazy or is motivated by revenge after the Russia has “reduced” France’s influence in Africa. Putin explains that operations in France are “friendly in nature”; that “It was an unintentional act and was not even part of Russian strategy,” say how many African countries just want to be friends with Russia.

However, Russia has actively intensified its operations on the African continent in recent years, particularly following the large-scale invasion of Ukraine, in an attempt to alleviate the economic isolation of a large part of the Western world. In addition, Wagner Group's activities in Africa have played an important role in this area, aimed at consolidating and expanding Moscow's strategic ties across the continent.

Finally, at the 2023 Russo-African summit, Putin offered promises of increased grain supplies and debt relief to African countries in exchange for increased cooperation with Russia. This decision to essentially buy Africa coincided with Russia's withdrawal from the Rear Sea Grain Corridor agreement. The aim was to put more pressure on African countries to accept Russia's deal and to show that Ukraine is an unreliable partner. This was a concerted effort to diminish Ukraine's role as the main grain supplier to African countries and, in doing so, strengthen its foothold in the region, thereby complicating peacekeeping initiatives. from France.

Macron and Western troops in Ukraine

Putin describes impact of Western military presence in Ukraine nothing new, dismissing Macron's recent remarks on sending troops to Ukraine as being an insignificant lead currently seen by all propagandists while Macron continues his harsh speeches on Russia. Putin claims that foreign involvement has been widespread in Ukraine since 2014 (when Ukraine successfully fought for its independence during the Euromaidan protests and Russia lost much of its political influence). This is a propaganda narrative that aims to portray Ukraine as a puppet state, controlled by the West, particularly the United States. Advisors and foreign legions were directly involved [in the war]and they all die [in Ukraine]. However, their actual presence on the battlefield changes nothing. Just like with the delivery of weapons, nothing has changed.” Putin says.

It is interesting to note how Putin now considers the arms deliveries insignificant, given the progress they have brought to Ukraine; without it, Ukraine would have struggled to resist and liberate the occupied territories, which Putin blamed on Russia wanting to preserve the lives of its military personnel. However, the number of soldiers thrown at all costs in Avdiivka, more than 40,000, according to estimates by the Ukrainian General Staff (mid-October to February 17), shows that Putin has no respect for human life, regardless of his statement mentioned at the beginning of this analysis.

“Poland is the real enemy”

Putin considers that the real danger does not lie in the possibility of a deployment of Western troops in Ukraine, a scenario he considers inconsequential (*editor's note: changing red lines and rhetoric of tragic consequences, once again) but rather in its political ramifications for Ukraine.

He suggests that if Polish forces were to intervene to relieve Ukrainian troops of their border obligations and allow them to join the front lines, it is because Poland has an ulterior motive, asserting its historical claims to certain territories. , and this could force them to stay in the country. Ukraine indefinitely.

Nuclear escalation?

Kiselev recounts how the self-styled philosopher Alexander Dugin, whose ideology inspired the Kremlin's justification of the invasion of Ukraine, calls for preparations for nuclear war. This part of the interview is the premise of the entire hour and a half interview – On a technical level, yes, of course [Russia is ready]. It is still in a state of military readiness. And this is the message that Putin wanted to send to the United States from this interview.

Putin's assertion of Russia's unprecedented uranium capabilities compared to other countries, coupled with emphasis on preparedness, but This does not mean that a nuclear war will take place tomorrow,” echoes the nuclear saber rattling reminiscent of that of Soviet leaders during the Cold War. However, when asked about his “red lines” and the absence of deployment of tactical nuclear weapons during the vast Ukrainian offensive in the fall of 2022, Putin flip-flops by attributing military decisions to avoiding unnecessary losses of staff. “The commanders decided to withdraw from Kherson and Kharkiv. Not because the facade is collapsing. Far from there. But this was rather done to avoid excessive loss of personnel.

Despite Putin's attempts to downplay Russia's failures, the reality is that Russia suffered considerable losses in the occupied territory in 2022. This also highlights the disappointment and confusion of propagandist Kiselev, who is still happy to 'a more perverse position by Putin to accomplish his own goals. tale of potential nuclear war and the deaths of thousands of innocents.




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