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The policies of the Jokowi dynasty are widely highlighted by political observers, constitutional law experts and international media.

The policies of the Jokowi dynasty are widely highlighted by political observers, constitutional law experts and international media.


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – President Joko Widodo or Jokowi was criticized some time ago because he was suspected of practicing dynastic politics. This accusation emerged after his eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, ran as a vice-presidential candidate alongside presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 presidential election, following the MP's decision with his president Anwar Usman who is Jokowi's brother-in-law alias Uncle Gibran.

After Gibran runs in the 2024 presidential election, Jokowi's other relatives will also participate in the 2024 regional elections. This further strengthens the accusation that the former DKI Jakarta governor committed dynastic politics. A number of political experts and observers also spoke out. They called Jokowi's policies unreasonable, unethical and even giving the impression that he was receiving rewards.

Meanwhile, Jokowi's relatives who will participate in the 2024 regional elections are Jokowi's son-in-law Bobby Nasution in the North Sumatra governorship election, Jokowi's youngest son, who has been a member for two days and immediately became general president of the PSI. Kaesang Pangarep, who is on the radar of Solo mayoral candidates to succeed Gibran. Next, Kaesang's wife, Erina Gudono, is expected to run for Sleman regent.

Jokowi once spoke about the issue of political dynasties after his eldest son Gibrán Rakabuming Raka was proposed as Prabowo Subianto's running mate. ““Yes, the public judges,” said Joko Widodo after attending the 2023 Daily Investor Summit in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 24, 2024.

Jokowi said that in general elections and regional elections, mayors, regents, governors and presidents are all those who vote.

Here are responses from experts and political observers regarding Jokowi's relatives who rushed to participate in the 2024 regional elections:

1. Bivitri Susanti, expert in constitutional law

Constitutional law observer Bivitri Susanti said the Constitutional Court had perpetuated dynastic politics with its ruling on the lawsuit regarding the age limit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates. Because, according to him, this decision really meets the interests of Jokowi's son, Gibran, to run in the next elections of 2024. According to him, it is much worse than the era of the New Order.

“Strengthen dynastic politics which is even worse than under the Soeharto era,” Bivitri said during an online seminar titled “Threats of dynastic politics before the 2024 elections?”, Sunday, October 15, 2023.

2. Analis Politik UNJ Ubedilah Badrun

Meanwhile, Ubedilah Badrun, a social policy analyst at Jakarta State University (UNJ), said the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the age limit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates presidency opened the door to the perfecting of the Jokowi political dynasty. Ubedilah said the decision of the Constitutional Court benefits all regional heads or former regional heads. But for the 2024 elections, he said, the one who will benefit the most is Gibran.

“With this decision, the door is open for Jokowi's son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, to become a vice presidential candidate,” said Ubedilah in a written statement, Monday, October 16, 2023.

3. Civil society coalition to protect democratic elections

According to German media Handesbaltt“Gibran’s candidacy is seen as a form of dynastic politics that harms and kills democracy in Indonesia,” he said. Civil society coalition Keeping the elections democratic, through written statements, Sunday, November 5, 2023. The condition of democratic decline in Indonesia was also reported by TimeAmerican media.

According to the Coalition, the decline of democracy in Indonesia highlighted by both international media is a real and undeniable fact of political problems. “Especially if we pay attention to the dynamics of electoral politics ahead of the 2024 elections,” the Coalition said.

The coalition explained that the decision to lower the age limit to 40 did not open the way for young people to work in politics. However, it is specifically awarded to regional heads whose age group is below 40 years. And only Gibran can really benefit from this golden ticket.

“This means that politically, the decision targets the political interests of the president's own son, Gibran, so that he can qualify as a vice-presidential candidate,” several organizations said. Decision of the Constitutional Court, it is controversial whether this is a golden ticket specifically granted to Gibran. According to the organization, this is just the tip of the iceberg in the decline of Indonesian democracy.

Next: This is what Faisal Basri said about the politics of the Jokowi dynasty




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