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Number of Chinese workers in Africa falls to lowest level

Number of Chinese workers in Africa falls to lowest level


JOHANNESBURG: The number of Chinese workers in Africa fell significantly to its lowest level in more than a decade, Voice of America reported, citing data from China's National Bureau of Statistics.
Earlier in 2015, there were 263,696 workers registered on the continent, a figure which has declined significantly to 88,371 in 2022.
The China-Africa Research Initiative at Johns Hopkins University analyzed data from 2009 to 2022 and attributed the drop in numbers in part to the pandemic, as Chinese workers left during that time and the country did not reopened only in early 2023, VOA reported.
However, the decline in numbers is also due to various other factors, experts say, including oil prices and the scaling back of Chinese leader Xi Jinping's global Belt and Road initiative, which initially sent thousands of Chinese across the continent to work on major infrastructure projects.
Asked if the numbers could have rebounded last year and could continue to do so, Deborah Brautigam, director of the China Africa Research Initiative, said: “We don't have data for 2023, but Anecdotally, we hear that other postponed projects are resuming. Yet we are unlikely to see the high numbers of the past again. »
Yunnan Chen, a researcher at ODI Global, a UK-based research group, said: “Some construction may have resumed since 2022, but we know that the overall number of China-funded projects has been in decline since 2022. several years. , and the last few years have put a brake on any new projects. So I don't expect these numbers to increase dramatically any time soon.
According to statistics, the five countries with the most Chinese workers in 2022 were Algeria, Angola, Egypt, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo, VOA reported.
While still leading in terms of the number of workers, Algeria and Angola also saw the biggest declines.
Algeria had more than 91,000 Chinese workers in 2016, while Angola had a maximum of 50,000. However, by 2022, there were only around 7,000 workers left in each country.
The director of the China Africa Research Initiative added that the huge declines “can be explained by the price of oil. oil exports and they use that oil to pay for almost everything government spending“.
Additionally, China has been criticized for its failure to help create jobs in Africa or equip local residents with new skills, despite its massive projects, as VOA reports.
Although large numbers of local workers were indeed employed, they often filled the most basic positions, while higher positions were reserved for Chinese.
“Typically, Chinese projects hire local labor,” Chen said.
Even if China sends less of its population to Africa, hiring Africans for higher-paying and skilled jobs by Chinese companies may not happen immediately, Brautigam added.




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