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China leads the world in capital spending on consumer chip factories

China leads the world in capital spending on consumer chip factories


Mainland China will lead the world in capital spending for consumer 300mm semiconductor fabs, with $30 billion in investment in each of the next four years, according to a forecast Monday from the group American industrial SEMI.

The country's spending will be fueled by government incentives and domestic self-sufficiency policies, SEMI said. 300 mm refers to the diameter of wafers used in semiconductor manufacturing; this equates to approximately 12 inches.

Taiwan is expected to rank second in capital spending, with $28 billion in 2027, an increase from $20.3 billion in 2024. South Korea is expected to rank third with $26.3 billion. dollars in 2027, compared to $19.5 billion this year, SEMI said.

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The increases are part of an expected surge of a record $137 billion in spending in 2027, after surpassing $100 billion for the first time by 2025 on new AI-related applications, the strength of memory chip recovery and the strong demand for high-performance computing. and automotive applications, SEMI said. Growing demand for AI-related chips has sent shares of suppliers and manufacturers such as Nvidia and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. soaring over the past year.

Projections for increased spending on 300mm manufacturing equipment in the coming years reflect the production capacity needed to meet the growing demand for electronic products across a wide range of markets as well as a new wave of applications driven by innovation in artificial intelligence, said Ajit Manocha, SEMI. Chairman and CEO, said in a statement.

The report also highlights the influence of government support for semiconductor manufacturing in strengthening economies and security around the world, Manocha said. This trend is expected to help significantly narrow the capital spending gap between re-emerging and emerging regions and Asia's historically top-spending regions, he said.

China, one of the world's largest electronics makers, is working to reduce its reliance on foreign chip suppliers amid tense geopolitical tensions and an increased focus on security by the president Xi Jinping. The Financial Times reported today that the Chinese government has introduced guidelines that stagger chip purchases from U.S. suppliers Intel and AMD for PCs and servers used by the government. Microsoft Windows and foreign databases would also be sidelined, he added.

The Americas is expected to double its investment in 300mm manufacturing equipment from $12 billion in 2024 to $24.7 billion in 2027. Last week, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced a preliminary agreement to provide $8.5 billion to support four new Intel Corporation semiconductor manufacturing sites in Arizona, New Mexico, Ohio and Oregon. Elsewhere in the world, capital spending in Japan, Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia is expected to reach $11.4 billion, $11.2 billion and $5.3 billion in 2027, SEMI said.

Demand for greater data throughput, crucial for AI servers, is driving high demand for high-bandwidth memory, or HBM, and driving increased investment in memory technology, SEMI noted. Among all segments, memory ranks second and is expected to generate $79.1 billion in equipment purchases in 2027, an annual increase of 20% from 2023, the industry group said.

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