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Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou plans to visit mainland China

Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou plans to visit mainland China


Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the office, said Ma would lead a delegation of young people who would research their roots and participate in exchange activities.

Mas's office said he will be accompanied by 20 university students who will meet their counterparts from two major mainland universities, Peking University and Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, during the visit.

During the visit to Shaanxi, the traditional heart of Chinese civilization, the group will attend a Ching Ming, or tomb sweeping, ceremony in honor of the Yellow Emperor, a legendary figure considered the common ancestor of all Chinese.

Chen expressed hope that Mas' visit would help promote exchanges in various fields between young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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The students' visit to the continent will have a positive impact on relations between the two shores. It will also allow the mainland public to witness the endurance of Taiwanese students, the MAS office said in a statement.

In March last year, Ma became the first former Taiwanese leader to visit the mainland since defeated Nationalist forces, or Kuomintang, fled to the island at the end of the civil war in 1949.

Mas's office said the exchange visits helped increase understanding between young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

The more they interact, the more they can understand each other and form friendships, he says. With a deeper friendship, the chances of conflict would decrease.

It is unclear whether Mas' visit will include a meeting with Xi, whom he met as president in Singapore in 2015.

When asked who Ma would meet during his visit to the mainland, Hsiao Hsu-tsen, director of the Mas Foundation, said they would be available to our hosts.

Ma Ying-jeou and Xi Jinping met in Singapore in 2015. Photo: AFP

Mas's visit will take place in a context of increased tensions between the two sides of the strait. Relations deteriorated under Mas's successor as president, Tsai Ing-wen of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party, and Beijing has been deeply critical of William Lai Ching-te, who won the January presidential election .

Hostility grew further after two mainland fishermen died last month after their boat capsized following a chase with the Taiwanese coast guard near Quemoy Island, also known as Kinmen .

Beijing accused Taiwan's coast guard of using violent and dangerous methods in their pursuit, although Taipei said they had only enforced the law by asking the fishermen to stop for inspection.


Former Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou says history of massacres has lessons for both sides of the Strait

Former Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou says history of massacres has lessons for both sides of the Strait

Last week, the head of the US Indo-Pacific Command, Admiral John Aquilino, told a congressional committee that all signs suggested Beijing would be capable of attacking Taiwan by 2027.

Like most countries, the United States does not officially recognize Taiwan's independence, but it opposes forced change to the status quo and is committed to helping the island defend itself.




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