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Trump hit with another gag order ahead of hush money criminal trial: latest

Trump hit with another gag order ahead of hush money criminal trial: latest


Donald Trump appears in New York court to be heard in hush money case

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Donald Trump has been slapped with a new silence order ahead of his secret criminal trial. Judge Juan Merchan granted Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's request that the former president be barred from speaking about anyone involved in the case or their families.

Mr. Trump had a day of mixed fortune in the courtroom on Monday when Judge Merchan ruled that the trial could proceed as scheduled with jury selection on April 15, while an appeals court in New York handed him a major victory on the day his $464 million fraud bond was posted. been due.

Mr. Trump attended the preliminary hearing in the secrecy case and said he hopes to become more popular if he is ultimately convicted, because his supporters know the charge against him is a hoax.

In the fraud case, he was unexpectedly granted a 10-day extension to pay $175 million of the total fraud judgment against him, as the deadline for that payment approached.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly claimed he is worth billions of dollars, but much of that fortune is tied to the Trump Organization and real estate.

New York Attorney General Letitia James responded that the defendant still faces accountability for his staggering fraud.

Key Points Show Latest Update 1711496734RFK Jr names lawyer and investor Nicole Shanahan as running mate

Mr. Kennedy, an environmental lawyer and anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist, made the announcement Tuesday at an event in Oakland, California. In recent weeks, the Kennedy campaign has spoken to more than a half-dozen possible candidates, with early favorites including New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers and former wrestler and Minnesota governor, Jesse Ventura.

Ms. Shanahan, 38, emerged as the front-runner at the end of the process, even though she was tied to his campaign and helped pay for a Super Bowl ad supporting Mr. Kennedy, the New York Times noted.

Gustav Kilander watched the ad:

Oliver O'ConnellMarch 26, 2024 11:45 p.m.

1711494957Trump promises liquidity as ex-president given more time to produce bonds

Donald Trump said he would “bring in the money” as he had more time to pay part of the $464 million bail in his civil fraud case in New York on Monday (March 25). An appeals court granted the former president an additional 10 days to pay a $175 million stay on the day the full amount held against him was due. In rambling remarks at 40 Wall Street after appearing in Manhattan criminal court, Mr. Trump said: “This is all about election interference. “.

Oliver O'ConnellMarch 26, 2024 11:15 p.m.

1711493157RFK Jr announces lawyer and investor Nicole Shanahan as running mate

Mr. Kennedy made the announcement Tuesday at an event in Oakland, California. In recent weeks, the Kennedy campaign has spoken to more than a half-dozen possible candidates, with early favorites including New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers and former wrestler and Minnesota governor, Jesse Ventura.

Ms. Shanahan, 38, emerged as the front-runner at the end of the process, even though she was tied to his campaign and helped pay for a Super Bowl ad supporting Mr. Kennedy, the New York Times noted.

Oliver O'ConnellMarch 26, 2024 10:45 p.m.

1711491357Donald Trump: Bible seller

Mr. Trump this time held the brown leather tome right side up in an ad he shared Tuesday on his Truth Social account.

Oliver O'ConnellMarch 26, 2024 10:15 p.m.

1711489557Jon Stewart mocks claims Trump's New York fraud has no victims

The former New York president's fraud case has been called a victimless incident, notably by Fox News commentators.

Shark Tank judge Kevin O'Leary even said that everything Mr. Trump was found responsible for in the civil fraud case was done by every real estate developer everywhere on Earth and in every city. This was never prosecuted.

Leave it to Kevin O'Leary to be oblivious enough to say the silent part out loud, Stewart responded incredulously on The Daily Show.

Amelia Neath has the story:

Oliver O'ConnellMarch 26, 2024 9:45 p.m.

1711487757Trump launches a speech targeting the daughter of the judge of silence

Oliver O'ConnellMarch 26, 2024 9:15 p.m.

1711485957Truth Social hits the stock market at a price of almost $78

Shareholders of Mr. Trump's Truth Social platform voted Friday to take the company public, a move that could increase the former president's net worth by tens of millions of dollars as he is desperately trying to find money for the judgments handed down against him by the court.

Here's what you need to know:

Oliver O'ConnellMarch 26, 2024 8:45 p.m.

1711484157New poll: Biden gains ground on Trump in swing states

Andrew Feinberg reports from Washington, DC:

President Joe Biden is erasing his polling deficit with his likely Republican opponent in a number of key states that will decide the outcome of this year's presidential election, according to a new survey from Bloomberg and Morning Consult .

The survey of 4,392 registered voters, which took place March 8-15, found that Mr. Biden had either narrowed his lead over Donald Trump or overtaken the ex-president in six of seven states, with the biggest polling shift taking place in Wisconsin, where Badger State respondents gave the 46th president a one-point lead, or 46 percent, to Mr. Trump's 45 percent.

The president's slim advantage over the man he defeated four years ago comes barely a month after a similar survey showed Mr. Trump leading Mr. Biden by four percent.

Read on for more details on the latest poll:

Oliver O'ConnellMarch 26, 2024 8:15 p.m.

Biden campaign mocks Trump's typo-riddled Truth Social post as weak and confusing

Oliver O'ConnellMarch 26, 2024 7:57 p.m.

1711482725Trump PAC calls RFK Jr and his far-left liberal running mate

After independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kenedy Jr. announced Nicole Shanahan as his running mate, pro-Trump PAC MAGA Inc calls him a far-left liberal with a far-left vice presidential candidate.

Oliver O'ConnellMarch 26, 2024 7:52 p.m.




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