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Sonam Wangchuk: Keeping the promises made to the people of Ladakh: Sonam Wangchuk makes a fresh appeal to PM Modi

Sonam Wangchuk: Keeping the promises made to the people of Ladakh: Sonam Wangchuk makes a fresh appeal to PM Modi


Climate activist Sonam Wangchuk, who is on a hunger strike here to demand statehood for Ladakh and its inclusion in the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution, on Tuesday made a fresh appeal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to hold the promises made to the people. In video messages shared on of the nation.

A renowned education reformer, Wangchuk has since March 6 pledged to “move fast” in the face of sub-zero temperatures, a day after talks between joint representatives of the Leh-based Apex Body and of the Kargil Democratic Alliance (KDA), who are jointly leading the agitation for Demanding statehood for Ladakh and its inclusion in the Sixth Schedule, and the central government has found itself in a stalemate.

The Sixth Schedule contains provisions relating to the administration of the tribal areas of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram through the autonomous district councils.
The 'climate fast' is expected to end later today as Leh-based Apex Body and KDA will announce the future action plan on Wednesday.

Reminding the Prime Minister of the promises made by the BJP in its election manifestos, Wangchuk said Modi is a devotee of Lord Ram and should follow his teaching of 'pran jaye par vachan na jaye' (one may lose one's life, but he does not must not break up). their promise).

“Although India is the mother of democracy, we citizens have a very special power. We are the kingmakers, we can force a government to change its ways or change government if it is not working. N “Let us remember to use our voting power very carefully this time in the interest of the nation,” said Wangchuk, whose life inspired Aamir Khan's character Rancho in the hit Bollywood film “3 Idiots.” The Lok Sabha elections will be held in seven phases from April 19 to June 1. Ladakh will go to polls in the fifth phase on May 20. Over the past 20 days, Wangchuk said, around 60,000 of Ladakh's 3 lakh residents have taken part in the fight against hunger. strike showing their pain but “no word came from this government”.

“We are trying to remind and awaken the conscience of our Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah to safeguard the fragile ecosystem of the Himalayan mountains in Ladakh and the unique indigenous tribal cultures that thrive here.

“We do not consider Modi and Amit (Shah) as mere politicians, rather we would like to consider them as statesmen and for that they will have to demonstrate a certain character and foresight,” said the climate activist.




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