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Indonesian President Joko Widodo inaugurates two ports in Palu Bay region

Indonesian President Joko Widodo inaugurates two ports in Palu Bay region


DRAWING. Indonesian President Joko Widodo accompanied by Indonesian Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi inaugurated two ports in the Palu Bay region, Central Sulawesi, namely Wani Port and Pantoloan Port, on Wednesday (27/3). The inauguration of the two ports was centered on the Wani port.

KONTAN.CO.ID – Indonesian President Joko Widodo accompanied by Indonesian Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi inaugurated two ports in the Palu Bay region, Central Sulawesi, namely Wani Port and Pantoloan Port, on Wednesday (27/3). The inauguration of the two ports was centered on the Wani port.

The President explained that the objective of the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Wani and Pantoloan ports is to restore the function of the ports affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Then increase the capacity of port services as a node for logistics activities, improve regional connectivity and support economic activities in Central Sulawesi Province. This project was financed with a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), with a total works value of IDR 233 billion.

We know that in 2018, Palu in Central Sulawesi was hit by an earthquake and tsunami. The port was devastated. “And thanks to the perseverance of all of us, Alhamdulillah, today we inaugurate the rehabilitation and reconstruction of port infrastructure in the Palu Bay region, namely Wani Port and Pantoloan Port,” said the president.

The Head of State also gave instructions to continue improving port facilities, so that they are not inferior to the ports of other countries. Several measures can be taken: strengthening ports with good standards of service, management and technology, as well as providing logistics services integrated and connected to other modes of transport, so that services become faster and more efficient. Thus, ports are key to the country's economic development and are also important for the mobility of people and goods.

I am glad that this port has been completed and that the Minister of Transport earlier expressed the need for Roro (Ro-Ro ships) from Central Sulawesi to East Kalimantan, mainly to support the development process of IKN. I accept that it takes place because most of the construction materials, especially rocks and sand, come from Central Sulawesi. Maybe almost all of them are from here. And the value is not just in the billions, but in the billions, the president said.

Meanwhile, the Transport Minister said that the construction of Wani Port would begin from April 22, 2022 to December 30, 2023. The scope of work includes construction of a 150-meter-long jetty, a 28-meter trestle long (road/access from the shore pier), an office building, a state naval garage, as well as a mosque.

“With this development, Wani Port has a cargo service capacity of 82,000 tonnes per annum and can service larger vessels of 6,000 DWT (Deadweight Tonnage), explained the Transport Minister.

Meanwhile, for Pantoloan Port, construction will begin from September 30, 2021 to November 22, 2022. The scope of works includes the rehabilitation of a 93-meter-long trestle, construction of a 169-meter-long pier long, the extension of the upper structure of the pier, as well as the office building of the Harbor Master and Port Authority (KSOP) covering an area of ​​1,500 rectangle meters. Currently, the port is capable of servicing the largest vessels of 30,000 DWT, with a container service capacity of 160,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) per year.

The Minister of Transportation also expressed his thanks to President Joko Widodo who has contributed greatly to the construction and development of maritime transportation infrastructure in Indonesia, especially in the Central Sulawesi region. Also to the ministries and institutions, DPR RI, Provincial, Regency and City Forkompinda, Asian Development Bank, as well as the community who supported and synergized in the completion and utilization of two ports in Palu Bay .

Also present at the inauguration were a number of advanced Indonesian Cabinet ministers, Central Sulawesi Governor Rusdy Mastura, TNI/Polri and Forkompimda leaders for the Central Sulawesi region, Indonesia Resident Mission Country Director of the ADB, the secretary general of the ministry. of Transport Novie Riyanto, Inspector General of the Ministry of Transport Arif Toha and Director General of Transport Antoni Arif Priadi Sea.

Read also: Jokowi inaugurates rehabilitation of Wani Port and Pantoloan, Central Sulawesi

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