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Donald Trump attacks judge and daughter after gag order in Hush-Money criminal case in New York

Donald Trump attacks judge and daughter after gag order in Hush-Money criminal case in New York


NEW YORK (AP) Donald Trump on Wednesday lashed out at the New York judge who silenced him before his secret April 15 criminal trial, making a misleading statement about his daughter and urging him to step down of the affair.

In a social media post, the former president suggested without evidence that Judge Juan M. Merchan was kowtowing to his daughter's interests as a Democratic political consultant. He also claimed, later repudiated by court officials, that she had posted a photo on social media showing Trump behind bars.

Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, complained on his Truth Social platform that the hush order issued Tuesday was illegal, un-American and unconstitutional. He said Merchan, a veteran Manhattan jurist, was wrongly trying to deprive me of my First Amendment right to speak out against his Democratic rivals' militarization of law enforcement.

Trump claimed that Merchan's daughter, Loren Merchan, whose firm worked on campaigns for President Joe Biden and other Democrats, recently posted a photo on social media depicting her obvious goal of seeing him imprisoned.

In a statement, a spokesperson for the New York state court system said the claim was false and that the social media account Trump was referring to no longer belonged to Loren Mercan. It appears it was picked up by someone else after she deleted it about a year ago, court spokesman Al Baker said.

The account on X, formerly known as Twitter, is not linked to her email address nor has she posted under that handle since deleting the account. Rather, it involves the replenishment, last April, and manipulation of an account she long abandoned, Baker said.

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Messages seeking comment were left with Loren Merchan and the Trump campaign.

Trump did not link to the purported photo, but an X account under the name LM showed an illustrative photo of an imprisoned Trump as its profile picture Wednesday morning. It was then replaced with an image of Vice President Kamala Harris as a child.

Consulting firm Loren Mercans had linked to this account in its social media posts over the past few years, but it is now private with no posts shown and says it joined the platform in April 2023, after Baker said he deleted it. Usernames on X can be taken over by other users after deletion.

It does not prohibit comments about Merchan or his family, nor criticism of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the Democratic lawmaker whose office is prosecuting Trump.

Trump's post insinuating that Loren Merchan posted the photo came after conservative commentator Laura Loomer posted an online article Tuesday claiming to have dug up his X account.

So let me be clear, Trump wrote on Truth Social, the judge's daughter is allowed to post photos of her dream of putting me in jail…but I'm not allowed to talk about the attacks on me and Lunatics trying to put me in prison. to destroy my life and prevent me from winning the 2024 presidential election, which I dominate?

Braggs' office declined to comment.

Merchan said then that a state court ethics panel found that Loren Mercan's work had no bearing on his impartiality. The judge said in a ruling last September that he was certain of his ability to be fair and impartial and that Trump's lawyers had failed to demonstrate that there were concrete, or even realistic, reasons why the recusal was appropriate, let alone required on these grounds. .

In a recent interview, Merchan told The Associated Press that he and his team were working diligently to prepare for the historic first trial of a former president.

There's no agenda here,” Merchan said. “We want to follow the law. We want justice to be done.

Trump's silence case, expected to be the first of his four criminal cases to go to trial, centers on allegations that he falsely recorded payments to Cohen as legal fees on his company's books when they were aimed at Cohen's work during the 2016 campaign. Negative stories about Trump. This included $130,000 that Cohen paid to Daniels on Trump's behalf so that she would not go public with her claim of a sexual relationship with him years earlier.

Trump pleaded not guilty last April to 34 counts of falsifying business records, a crime punishable by up to four years in prison, although there is no guarantee that a Conviction would result in a prison sentence. He denies having sex with Daniels and his lawyers have said the payments to Cohen were legitimate legal fees and not part of any cover-up.

In issuing the warrant of silence, Merchan cited Trump's history of making threatening, inflammatory and disparaging remarks toward people involved in his legal affairs. A violation could result in a contempt of court conviction, a fine, or even imprisonment.

Although not covered by the restrictions, Merchan referenced Trump's various comments about him as an example of his rhetoric. The silence order mirrors one imposed and largely upheld by a federal appeals court panel in Trump's election interference criminal case in Washington, DC.

Trump's lawyers fought the silence order, warning that it would amount to an unconstitutional and illegal prior restraint on his right to free speech.

Merchan had long resisted imposing it, recognizing Trump's special status as a former president and current candidate and not wanting to trample his ability to defend himself publicly.

But, he added, as trial approached, he found that his obligation to ensure the integrity of the case outweighed First Amendment concerns. He said Trump's statements had sparked fear and necessitated additional security measures to protect his targets and investigate threats.

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