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China ready to work with Indonesia to successfully organize historic relay race, Xi tells Prabowo

China ready to work with Indonesia to successfully organize historic relay race, Xi tells Prabowo


Xi, who described China and Indonesia as major developing countries, said the two countries should pioneer South-South cooperation and create a model of mutual respect and common development.

The two sides hold talks at the Great Hall of the People. Photo: Xinhua

In a rapidly changing world, the Chinese leader said the two sides should actively promote an equal and orderly multipolar world and inclusive economic globalization, strengthen multilateral cooperation and safeguard the interests of developing countries.

In recent years, China has sought to present itself as a leader of developing countries and the so-called Global South, calling for greater inclusion of emerging economies on the world stage.

Xi told Prabowo that China is willing to maintain close exchanges with Indonesia, promote their comprehensive economic corridor projects and continue to strengthen maritime cooperation.

China is willing to work with Indonesia to safeguard the unity and centrality of ASEANmaintain an open and inclusive regional architecture and build a closer China-Asia community with a shared future, Xi said, referring to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

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Prabowo, who is currently defense minister, is in China for a three-day visit, his first trip abroad since winning the presidential race two months ago. It should be inaugurated in October.
The 72-year-old former general was visit China at Xi's invitation and at a time when Beijing and Washington seek to expand their influence in the region and tensions rise around the world South China Sea.

According to the CCTV report, Prabowo called China a major country with important influence and a strong cooperation partner with Indonesia.

He told Xi he supported developing closer relations and was ready to continue his tenure as outgoing leader. Joko Widodoits friendly policy towards China.

He said the new Indonesian government is willing to promote cooperation with China in areas such as economy and trade, and strengthen coordination in international and regional affairs.

Xi said China-Indonesia relations had achieved significant results under the leadership of outgoing leader Widodo, better known as Jokowi.

Relations have deepened significantly under Widodos' leadership, with China being Indonesia's largest trading partner and second-largest foreign investor.

Calling the president-elect an old friend of the Chinese people, Xi said he believed Prabowo would continue the friendship between the two countries.

Prabowo said during his campaign that Indonesia would maintain its independent foreign policy, but observers say it is unclear whether he will take a tough stance on China or continue l Widodos' pragmatic approach.

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Asked about the visit last week, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said Prabowo was expected to exchange views on bilateral relations and issues of mutual concern with Chinese officials.

He said Prabowo's visit to China demonstrated the strength of ties and the two countries shared deep traditional friendship and close and strong cooperation.

The visit is an excellent opportunity to further strengthen traditional friendship, deepen comprehensive strategic cooperation and better synergize development strategies to provide a good example of major developing countries embracing a common future, said Friday Linen.

Indonesian Defense Ministry says Prabowo will hold talks with Chinese PM Li Qiang and Minister of Defense Dong Jun Tuesday.




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