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The BJP focused on the principle of nation first, Cong. country plundered: PM Modi

The BJP focused on the principle of nation first, Cong.  country plundered: PM Modi


Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a public meeting in support of Jaipur Rural BJP candidate Rao Rajendra Singh ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, at Kotputali in Jaipur on April 2, 2024.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a public meeting in support of Jaipur Rural BJP candidate Rao Rajendra Singh ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, at Kotputali in Jaipur on April 2, 2024. | Photo credit: PTI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on April 2 accused the INDIA bloc of shielding corrupt leaders and contesting the upcoming Lok Sabha elections for the selfish motives of its constituent parties, who wanted to promote their families. I am their target because I question dynastic parties and their corruption, Mr. Modi said.

Mr. Modi addressed a public meeting in Rajasthan's Kotputli town, located in the rural Jaipur Lok Sabha constituency, in support of Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Rao Rajendra Singh. He said Congress leaders were threatening that if the BJP won, the country would be one fire.

Congress is showing its dangerous intentions as the elections approach. It's been 10 years since I put out the fire, but it will be important to save the future of the country in the future. [upcoming] polls, Mr. Modi said. Family parties hold rallies after rallies to save the dynasties that rule them, he said.

While asserting that the country had progressed rapidly in the last 10 years of the BJP regime, Mr. Modi said the works done during this period were just a trailer and the third regime of the party would take decisive action and implement far-reaching measures to help the nation move forward.

The prime minister held the Congress responsible for the poverty that prevailed in the country for 60 years after Independence, when India depended on other countries for its technology and defense equipment. Congress has never allowed our armed forces to become self-reliant. In contrast, India exports arms under the BJP regime, he said.

Watch | The strategies of the BJP and the Congress

Mr Modi said the country's politics were divided into two camps. While the BJP was committed to the principle of nation first, the Congress was busy finding ways to loot the country, he said. Appealing to people to vote for the BJP, Mr. Modi said Rajasthan stood firm against dynastic forces and gave all 25 Lok Sabha seats to the BJP in 2014 and 2019.

Mr. Modi said the Congress had neglected small and marginal farmers as well as the working poor during its tenure, while his government's Kisan Samman Nidhi and pension schemes had immensely benefited these sections. He pointed out that the BJP government was also providing free ration to 80 million needy people in the country.

The Prime Minister said the BJP regime implemented the much-awaited decisions including abolition of Article 370 of the Constitution, construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya, enactment of legislation against triple Talaq and the implementation of the “One rank, one pension” principle. Over the past ten years, we have doubled the length of electrified railway lines, which was only 20,000 km in 2014, he added.

Mr. Modi said the Congress had neglected small and marginal farmers as well as the working poor during its tenure, while his government's Kisan Samman Nidhi and pension schemes had immensely benefited these sections. He pointed out that the BJP government was also providing free ration to 80 million needy people in the country.

The Prime Minister said the BJP regime implemented the much-awaited decisions including abolition of Article 370 of the Constitution, construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya, enactment of legislation against triple Talaq and the implementation of the “One rank, one pension” principle. Over the past ten years, we have doubled the length of electrified railway lines, which was only 20,000 km in 2014, he added.

Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma and senior BJP leaders also addressed the rally, to which people of Jaipur and neighboring districts of Alwar and Sikar came in large numbers.




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