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Chip war: US to pressure ASML and Netherlands against chip exports to China

Chip war: US to pressure ASML and Netherlands against chip exports to China


The head of US export policy is expected to meet with representatives of the Netherlands and ASML to convince them not to supply microchips to China.

  • President Joe Biden, right, with Chinese President Xi Jinping before a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit, November 14, 2022 (AP)
    President Joe Biden, right, with Chinese President Xi Jinping before a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit, November 14, 2022 (AP)

Accelerating the technological war against China, the Biden administration intends to pressure the Netherlands not to supply China with microchips made by Dutch chipmaking equipment manufacturer ASML.

U.S. export policy chief Alan Estevez is expected to arrive in the Netherlands on Monday to speak with Dutch government officials and ASML representatives to persuade them not to expand services techniques to China. Reuters reported.

Washington could also sanction certain Chinese manufacturers to prevent exports of ASML, sources familiar with the negotiations between the United States and the Netherlands relayed.

The Dutch government, which has not ruled out the possibility of refusing licenses to service ASML equipment in China in certain circumstances, provided no comment when asked on Thursday. The Foreign Ministry said it was assessing license applications individually.

However, shortly after the meeting, ASML shares experienced a decline in value.

Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed the actions of the United States and told Joe Biden that such decisions jeopardize China's development.

It is worth noting that even though the United States imposed severe sanctions on China to hinder its technological progress, the latter still managed to revolutionize the world of technology by introducing the microchip-powered Pro Mate 60 Huawei.

Technological barriers imposed to overcome

Last week, Xi Jinping warned against actions that could break industrial supply chains and create intercontinental technology barriers, in light of new Dutch policies involving chip exports that could sever bilateral ties between the two countries.

In a meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, President Jinping said technological barriers and broken industrial supply chains would only lead to confrontations and divisions, adding that cooperation was the only way forward.

“The Chinese people also have the legitimate right to development, and no force can stop China's development and scientific and technological progress.”

Rutte's discussions in Beijing were expected to focus on whether ASML would obtain licenses from the Dutch government to continue maintaining cutting-edge equipment worth billions of euros that it has already sold to Chinese customers. These machines are now subject to export restrictions, with many licenses expiring, including by December 31.

Although export restrictions have had little impact on ASML's financial performance so far, the company has a dominant position in the global market for lithography systems, essential tools in the production of chip circuits.

However, in the longer term, if the Netherlands is perceived as an unreliable trading partner, Chinese chipmakers may choose to replace ASML's equipment with that of competitors such as Nikon and Canon.

Dutch Trade Minister Geoffrey van Leeuwen was also present at the meeting and told Dutch business daily FD that his country's interests were his main priority.

His comments highlight the delicate diplomatic tension the Dutch government faces, particularly with ASML becoming a focal point in the ongoing “chip war” between the United States and China.

According to state media, Xi informed Rutte that China was ready to increase imports of “high quality” products from the Netherlands, although specific details were not provided. He also expressed China's willingness to maintain and advance an open and pragmatic cooperative relationship with the Netherlands.

Read more: China hits back at US war on chips, restricts export of some rare elements




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