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Boris Johnson: It is shameful to call on the UK to end its arms sales to Israel

Boris Johnson: It is shameful to call on the UK to end its arms sales to Israel


Three Britons were among seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) aid workers who died in airstrikes in Gaza carried out by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Monday.

Israeli officials fired two officers over the strikes, which were described as a serious mistake resulting from a serious failure.

Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron said the UK would carefully consider the findings of the IDF's initial report into the incident published on Friday.

Israel-Hamas conflict
The British John Chapman, James Jim Henderson and James Kirby (World Central Kitchen)

The incident led to widespread calls from MPs from all major parties to end UK arms sales to Israel, as well as a letter signed by more than 600 lawyers, including d former Supreme Court justices.

In his column for the Daily Mail, Mr Johnson said those who support ending arms sales are demanding we turn our backs on the Middle East's only democracy.

He said that if the UK stopped its arms sales, it would also encourage it to end its military support for Israel, thus seeking Israel's military defeat and Hamas' victory.

He wrote: Remember that to win this conflict, Hamas only has to survive. All they need in the end is to hang on, rebuild and move on. This is a victory for Hamas; and this is what these jurists seem to be asking.

He further claimed that Lord Cameron had remained silent on the issue, saying the Foreign Secretary had engaged in some sort of purdah over arms sales.

Downing Street Festive Gate
Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson (Aaron Chown/PA)

Mr Johnson said it was upsetting to see the deaths of three British aid workers, but that Israel was sending out warnings of its attacks and trying to use precision munitions.

He said: If the West continues to collapse, and especially if Britain and the United States collapse, then the Israelis will not be able to enter Rafah. They will be prevented from achieving their goal: ending Hamas as a military force in Gaza.

He added: Is this really what you all legal experts want who say that Israel's actions now require an arms embargo? Do you want to give victory to a gang of murderers and rapists?

Mr Johnson concluded that banning arms sales would be foolish and shameful.

He added: The sooner the government formally denounces this idea, the better.




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