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Jailed PTI leader Qureshi hopes for justice after top judges claim interference in court cases

Jailed PTI leader Qureshi hopes for justice after top judges claim interference in court cases


ANI | Updated: April 12, 2024 at 04:16 IST

Rawalpindi [Pakistan], April 12 (ANI): Shehrbano Qureshi, the daughter of jailed Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader and former foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, on Thursday said her father's hopes of justice have been boosted after the six trials the Islamabad High Court (IHC) judges wrote a letter on the alleged interference of intelligence agencies in court cases, The News International reported. Shehrbano, speaking to reporters outside Adiala jail in Rawalpindi after meeting her father on Thursday, said she had also met Qureshi last Monday and he was in good health. “My father has a lot of hope and sees that justice is being done in the country,” the PTI leader said, adding that the courage shown by six IHC judges strengthened the courage of his father – who, alongside party founder Imran Khan, faces 10-year prison sentence in Cypher case. The News International reported that she expressed her wish to see a strong and stable Pakistan despite difficult times. Regarding the case against the former foreign minister, Shehrbano said the appeals against Qureshi's convictions in the encryption case will be heard on April 16. The politician expressed hope that the prosecution will not find further excuses during the next hearings. She said the prosecution no longer had concrete arguments in the encryption case. In January, a special court judge, Abul Hasnat Zulqarnain, sentenced Khan and Qureshi to 10 years each in the encryption case.

The case concerns allegations that the former prime minister made public the contents of a secret cable sent by the country's ambassador in Washington to the government in Islamabad, The News International reported. Six judges of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on March 25 asked Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa to convene the Judicial Convention to examine the issue of interference of intelligence officers in judicial functions or intimidation of judges in a manner that compromised the independence of the judiciary. The IHC judges, including Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani, Justice Babar Sattar, Justice Arbab Muhammad Tahir, Justice Tariq Mahmood Jehangiri, Justice Sardar Ejaz Ishaq Khan and Justice Saman Rifat Imtiaz, wrote a letter to the judge in chief, who is also the chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC), Geo News reported. After the letter went viral and considering the seriousness of the allegations mentioned in it, the Chief Justice called a meeting on the same day with the IHC Chief Justice and all the judges after Iftar at 8 p.m. his residence during which the concerns of all the judges were heard individually. The next day, March 27, the CJP met with the Attorney General and the Minister of Justice, then the Chief Justice and the Principal Puisne Judge. met the President of the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) and the senior most member of the Bar Council of Pakistan in Islamabad. A plenary meeting of all SC judges, convened under the chairmanship of the Chief Justice of Pakistan at 4 p.m. the same day, deliberated on the issues raised in the letter. Geo News reported that the entire court developed a majority consensus that the chief justice could hold a meeting with the prime minister and raise the issue with him. CJP Isa later met Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif at the Supreme Court where he clearly stated that executive interference in the affairs and judicial functioning of judges would not be tolerated. During the meeting, the constitution of a commission of inquiry was proposed in the context of Pakistan. Commissions of Inquiry Act, 2017. The Prime Minister fully endorsed the views expressed by the CJP and the Senior Puisne Judge and assured them that he would take further appropriate steps to ensure the independence of the judiciary. After further consultations between the CJP and other judges also Following the actions of the Federal Government in this regard, the announcement of a one-man commission of inquiry including former CJP Tassaduq Hussain Jillani was made , who recused himself from this opportunity, citing various constitutional reasons. (ANI)




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