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US rejects allegations of Iranian support for ISIS in Pakistan

US rejects allegations of Iranian support for ISIS in Pakistan


US State Department spokesperson Mathew Miller has denied reports suggesting Iran supports the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Pakistan, contributing to the recent surge in terrorist activity.

During his regular press briefing on Thursday, Miller reiterated his previous statement that decisions regarding Pakistan's government were the responsibility of the Pakistani people, while refusing to delve further into allegations of skewed results from the February 8 election.

Miller also refused to address the issue of the recent visit by US embassy officials to Adiala Prison in Rawalpindi for a meeting with a US citizen incarcerated there, but they did not meet the Pakistani founder of Tehreek-e-Insaf, Imran Khan, who was also incarcerated there.

“I defer to our embassy in Pakistan to answer that question,” he said when U.S. embassy officials met with Zahir Jaffer, who was convicted of killing his wife but not of the founder of the PTI.

Earlier in the briefing, Miller addressed several controversial issues regarding the geopolitical situations in Iran and Pakistan. He strongly disagrees with this assessment that Iran supports ISIS activities in Pakistan.

“So I obviously would disagree with your characterization. I'm not going to get into a long-winded rebuttal of something we've talked about multiple times, but no, I don't have any information to suggest that, he told the speaker.

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The line of questioning then shifted to Pakistan's domestic politics. Miller was asked about the US position on the allegations made by former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, who recently criticized the formation of the current government.

“Ultimately, as you have heard me say once or twice from this podium, decisions regarding the government of Pakistan belong to the people of Pakistan,” he said, reiterating the position previously taken by the administration American.

War in Gaza

During the press conference, Miller admitted to a rise in anti-Semitism as well as anti-Muslim sentiments in the United States and around the world. He stressed that it would be in Israel's interest to find a path to reconciliation with the Palestinian people.

“We have unfortunately seen a rise in anti-Semitism. We’ve seen an increase in the number of anti-Muslim summits… it’s something that we’re incredibly concerned about, here at home and around the world,” Miller said.

“We obviously wouldn't want to see anyone spreading hatred in any form, and I would just say that we are trying to end this conflict as quickly as possible and find a lasting solution to this conflict,” he said. he continued. .

“It is in the interest of Muslims, Jews and Christians, Israelis and other countries in the region. It is in the interest of all parties to see this conflict end, and that is what we are trying to accomplish,” he added.

“And it is in Israel's broader security interests to find a path to reconciliation with the Palestinian people, as difficult as that may be, and that is why we will continue to pursue it.”




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