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Donald Trump's secret trial: Judge rejects former president's request to adjourn trial due to pretrial publicity

Donald Trump's secret trial: Judge rejects former president's request to adjourn trial due to pretrial publicity


NEW YORK — Three days before Donald Trump's criminal trial was set to begin, the judge overseeing the case on Friday denied the former president's request to adjourn the case because of the enormous pretrial publicity.

“'The situation in which the defendant currently finds himself is not new to him and is, at least in part, his own fault,' Judge Juan Merchan wrote in a four-page order.

“The remedy requested by the defendant is an indefinite adjournment. This is not tenable,” the judge wrote.

Merchan said any concerns about a juror's potential exposure to news about the case can be addressed through a rigorous jury selection process.

“The defendant appears to believe that his situation and this case are unique and that pretrial publicity will never diminish. However, this view does not correspond to reality,” Merchan wrote.

On Friday, Trump's lawyers separately requested a slight change to the jury selection process so they could have greater latitude to ask questions about political bias. They also want to know how many potential jurors say they cannot be fair or impartial to Trump.

“These numbers are extremely significant in assessing the constitutional and statutory adequacy of the jury selection process,” the defense attorneys wrote.

Trump's lawyers tried to move the case from Manhattan to a county where they said fewer potential jurors would have an anti-Trump leaning.

Meanwhile, when Trump appears in a New York courtroom on Monday, law enforcement will deploy a sophisticated, multi-layered security plan, superior to that in his previous high-profile cases in Manhattan, officials said. law enforcement officials at CNN.

Anthony Carlo is in Lower Manhattan with details on the NYPD's security plan for Donald Trump's criminal trial.

Trump, who is expected to be in court and has no option of skipping a trial expected to last six to eight weeks, is now the presumptive Republican nominee expected to face President Joe Biden in November — a key difference from his presence. in a civil fraud case brought by state Attorney General Letitia James, which inherently raises the stakes and will require a more robust security program.

The hallmark of this strategy is a combination of additional personnel, strategically placed frozen zones, high-tech deployments and intelligence, which includes social media monitoring for everything from lone wolf threats to major protests and unrest at political nature, officials said.

“Obviously the threat picture is larger,” said New York Police Department Deputy Chief John Hart, commander of the NYPD's Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division, who added that They had similarly increased security around Trump when he became the Republican Party's nominee in 2016.

“We had to put a whole infrastructure in place around Trump Tower, which we would have to rebuild for this,” Hart said of the security arrangement around the former president. “We're going to be constantly looking at the threat picture. Social media scrubbing, just listening to people make calls or make threats online, all of those things.”

The NYPD will monitor security at the Lower Manhattan Criminal Court from two main locations: a mobile command center, which will be located just steps from 100 Center St., where high-ranking NYPD officials will be stationed and manage deployments , and joint operations. Center, a huge intelligence center where police can access more than 50,000 cameras across the city. Hart called the hub the “nerve center of the city” and said it would be in communication with the mobile command center. Officers at the command center and joint operations center will listen to radio channels related to Trump's movements, follow cameras along his route and even zoom in on unruly crowds and embarrassing incidents around Trump Tower and the courthouse.

Other federal law enforcement agencies that help monitor large events from the Joint Operations Center will be there starting Monday, Hart said. Even specialized NYPD units that are not usually present will be there because of the trial.

Trump's planned security package during the civil fraud trial and his brief appearance in Manhattan criminal court served as a precursor for law enforcement to rely on before the main event begins Monday, said Hart.

“It’s six to eight weeks of a trial, jury selection, and then a trial of unprecedented magnitude,” Hart said. “A former president running for president is on trial here in New York. It's a big challenge. There are a lot of moving parts. He's also going to be going in and out of the city on a regular basis, so we're working with all of our people. partners, our federal partners, our New York state clerks, all the people on the ground that are going to help us deal with this stuff.”

The security plan took shape over the past several months during regular meetings between the Secret Service, the New York Police Department, the Manhattan District Attorney's Office and the New York State Office of Judicial Administration , according to officials.

The Secret Service will primarily be responsible for transporting the former president, taking him from Trump Tower to the courthouse on Center Street, officials said.

“The route will be up to the Secret Service,” said New York Police Deputy Chief James McCarthy, commander of the Lower Manhattan Patrol, who will oversee the New York Police presence at Trump Tower, in courthouse and the route that the procession will follow. “I'm sure it will change. It won't be the same thing every day.”

Most of the courthouse perimeter will be frozen, including the rear entrance and the side entrance from Hogan Place, where court staff and even Trump have entered, McCarthy said.

The New York Police Department will focus on closing streets leading from Trump Tower to the courthouse and will have a heavy presence outside the building. There, they will ensure areas are frozen along the main roads leading to and around the courthouse, while potential protests will be relegated to Collect Pond Park, located directly across the street from the courthouse.

“It all depends on where he is at the time,” McCarthy said. “Once he's here, I'd like things to go back to normal as much as possible. Once he's here, everything is fine. When he leaves, we're frozen, but I want that time to be as short as possible.”

Once Trump enters the building, court officials will be interested in the former president's movements in the building. An elevator will be frozen inside the courthouse and will be Trump's designated elevator that will take him to the 15th floor, which will also be frozen and where the courtroom is located, according to a law enforcement official .

The Secret Service agents, who have been seen entering and exiting the courthouse for months, made sure they had planned the former president's exact route inside the building, even to the cage of stairs that he would take in an emergency, will be seated just behind. him, the official said. Some agents will even be scattered throughout the courtroom and will be infiltrated, according to another law enforcement official.

To address the need for additional security, court officers who provided security during Trump's civil fraud trial are now being used to help reinforce staff during the secret trial, the officials said. They will be seated on each courtroom bench closest to the center aisle, serving as a buffer between Trump and anyone else inside as he walks down the aisle, the official said.

The challenge for court staff will be to conduct the trial while the rest of the courthouse remains active. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg sent a letter to staff informing them of revised and updated security protocols for the Trump trial, which included mobile screenings by the clerk's office for grand juries as well as other additional security measures for employees, visitors and witnesses.

“Our priority is the safety of the thousands of New Yorkers, including Manhattan DA employees, court personnel, crime victims and witnesses, who pass through the doors of our courthouse,” the spokesperson said. Danielle Filson in a press release. “We are especially grateful to our law enforcement partners at the NYPD, as well as the OCA, for their tireless efforts to maintain a safe environment for us and protect the integrity of all legal proceedings in progress.”

Anyone entering the courtroom will have to pass through two magnetometers, one in the lobby and one just outside the courtroom, according to law enforcement officials.

And while the courtroom is full, bomb-sniffing dogs from court clerks and the New York Police Department will patrol the hallways and grounds. The NYPD will also use its drones, barricades and additional police officers to ensure scene security.

“We use drones, they’ve been very effective for us,” McCarthy said. “You’re going to see a lot of toys there.”


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